AncillaryFileManager |
A class used to store any auxiliary indexing information such as the low level indexer definition as well as the
datastore properties configuration specifying where to build that index.
NetCDFImageMetadata |
Simple image metadata for NetCDF
NetCDFImageReader |
Base implementation for NetCDF-CF image flat reader.
NetCDFImageReaderSpi |
Service provider interface for the NetCDF Image
NetCDFUnitFormat |
Parser/Encoder for units expressed in the NetCDF CF syntax, with ability to configure the unit syntax transformation
and allow setting up custom aliases just for the NetCDF case.
Slice2DIndex |
A bean that represents a row in the index used for mapping 2d grids to 2d slices in NetCDF files.
Slice2DIndex.Slice2DIndexManager |
An wrapper for variable index files.
VariableAdapter |