Class JDBCDataStoreFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • JDBCDataStoreFactory

        public JDBCDataStoreFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Description copied from interface: DataAccessFactory
        Name suitable for display to end user.

        A non localized display name for this data store type.

        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface DataAccessFactory
        A short name suitable for display in a user interface.
      • canProcess

        public boolean canProcess​(Map<String,​?> params)
        Default implementation verifies the Map against the Param information.

        It will ensure that:

        • params is not null
        • Everything is of the correct type (or upcovertable to the correct type without Error)
        • Required Parameters are present
        Specified by:
        canProcess in interface DataAccessFactory
        params - The full set of information needed to construct a live data source.
        true if params is in agreement with getParametersInfo and checkDBType
      • checkDBType

        protected boolean checkDBType​(Map<String,​?> params)
      • checkDBType

        protected final boolean checkDBType​(Map<String,​?> params,
                                            String dbtype)
      • createDataStore

        public final JDBCDataStore createDataStore​(Map<String,​?> params)
                                            throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: DataStoreFactorySpi
        Construct a live data source using the params specifed.

        You can think of this as setting up a connection to the back end data source.

        Magic Params: the following params are magic and are honoured by convention by the GeoServer and uDig application.

        • "user": is taken to be the user name
        • "passwd": is taken to be the password
        • "namespace": is taken to be the namespace prefix (and will be kept in sync with GeoServer namespace management.
        When we eventually move over to the use of OpperationalParam we will have to find someway to codify this convention.
        Specified by:
        createDataStore in interface DataAccessFactory
        Specified by:
        createDataStore in interface DataStoreFactorySpi
        params - The full set of information needed to construct a live data store. Typical key values for the map include: url - location of a resource, used by file reading datasources. dbtype - the type of the database to connect to, e.g. postgis, mysql
        The created DataStore, this may be null if the required resource was not found or if insufficent parameters were given. Note that canProcess() should have returned false if the problem is to do with insuficent parameters.
        IOException - if there were any problems setting up (creating or connecting) the datasource.
      • createDataStoreInternal

        protected JDBCDataStore createDataStoreInternal​(JDBCDataStore dataStore,
                                                        Map<String,​?> params)
                                                 throws IOException
        Subclass hook to do additional initialization of a newly created datastore.

        Typically subclasses will want to override this method in the case where they provide additional datastore parameters, those should be processed here.

        This method is provided with an instance of the datastore. In some cases subclasses may wish to create a new instance of the datastore, for instance in order to wrap the original instance. This is supported but the new datastore must be returned from this method. If not is such the case this method should still return the original passed in.

        dataStore - The newly created datastore.
        params - THe datastore parameters.
      • getParametersInfo

        public final DataAccessFactory.Param[] getParametersInfo()
        Description copied from interface: DataAccessFactory
        MetaData about the required Parameters (for createDataStore).

        Interpretation of FeatureDescriptor values:

        • getDisplayName(): Gets the localized display name of this feature.
        • getName(): Gets the programmatic name of this feature (used as the key in params)
        • getShortDescription(): Gets the short description of this feature.

        This should be the same as:

         Object params = factory.getParameters();
         BeanInfo info = getBeanInfo( params );
         return info.getPropertyDescriptors();
        Specified by:
        getParametersInfo in interface DataAccessFactory
        Param array describing the Map for createDataStore
      • setupParameters

        protected void setupParameters​(Map<String,​Object> parameters)
        Sets up the database connection parameters.

        Subclasses may extend, but should not override. This implementation registers the following parameters.

        Subclass implementation may remove any parameters from the map, or may overrwrite any parameters in the map.
        parameters - Map of DataAccessFactory.Param objects.
      • isAvailable

        public boolean isAvailable()
        Determines if the datastore is available.

        Subclasses may with to override or extend this method. This implementation checks whether the jdbc driver class (provided by getDriverClassName() can be loaded.

        Specified by:
        isAvailable in interface DataAccessFactory
        true if and only if this factory has all the appropriate jars on the classpath to create DataStores.
      • getImplementationHints

        public Map<RenderingHints.Key,​?> getImplementationHints()
        Returns the implementation hints for the datastore.

        Subclasses may override, this implementation returns null.

        Specified by:
        getImplementationHints in interface Factory
        The map of hints, or an {@linkplain java.util.Collections.emptyMap() empty map} if none.
      • getDatabaseID

        protected abstract String getDatabaseID()
        Returns a string to identify the type of the database.

        Example: 'postgis'.

      • getDriverClassName

        protected abstract String getDriverClassName()
        Returns the fully qualified class name of the jdbc driver.

        For example: org.postgresql.Driver

      • createSQLDialect

        protected SQLDialect createSQLDialect​(JDBCDataStore dataStore,
                                              Map<String,​?> params)
        Creates the dialect that the datastore uses for communication with the underlying database.
        dataStore - The datastore.
        params - The connection parameters
      • createSQLDialect

        protected abstract SQLDialect createSQLDialect​(JDBCDataStore dataStore)
        Creates the dialect that the datastore uses for communication with the underlying database.
        dataStore - The datastore.
      • createDataSource

        public BasicDataSource createDataSource​(Map<String,​?> params)
                                         throws IOException
        DataSource access allowing SQL use: intended to allow client code to query available schemas.

        This DataSource is the clients responsibility to close() when they are finished using it.

        params - Map of connection parameter.
        DataSource for SQL use
      • getValidationQuery

        protected abstract String getValidationQuery()
        Override this to return a good validation query (a very quick one, such as one that asks the database what time is it) or return null if the factory does not support validation.
      • getJDBCUrl

        protected String getJDBCUrl​(Map<String,​?> params)
                             throws IOException
        Builds up the JDBC url in a jdbc:://:/ Override if you need a different setup