Interface GetFeatureInfoRequest

    • Method Detail

      • setQueryLayers

        void setQueryLayers​(Set<Layer> layers)
        An unordered set of type Layer. These are the layers that the GetFeatureInfo request will be performed on.
        layers - A Set of type Layer, each to be queried
      • addQueryLayer

        void addQueryLayer​(Layer layer)
        Add a Layer to the set of layers to be queried in the request. This Layer must have queryable set to true.
        layer - a queryable Layer
      • setInfoFormat

        void setInfoFormat​(String infoFormat)
        Sets the INFO_FORMAT parameter, which specifies the format of the GetFeatureInfoResponse. Valid values are available in getInfoFormats()
        infoFormat - a value from getInfoFormats()
      • setFeatureCount

        void setFeatureCount​(String featureCount)
        featureCount - the maximum number of features to return in the response
      • setFeatureCount

        void setFeatureCount​(int featureCount)
        featureCount - the maximum number of features to return in the response
      • setQueryPoint

        void setQueryPoint​(int x,
                           int y)
        The point on the image (in pixels) to be queried. The image is represented by the GetMapRequest passed into the constructor.
        x - the x point, in pixels
        y - the y point, in pixels