Package org.geotools.swing.control
A small collection of Swing controls including type-specific text fields and a list class with drag and drop item
Interface Summary Interface Description PopupMenuProvider Used with JMenuStatusBarItem to pass a (possibly dynamic) pop-up menu.ValueChangedListener A listener to work with controls derived fromJValueTextField
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Class Summary Class Description DnDList<T> A sub-class of JList that supports drag and drop to reorder items within a single list and to copy or move items between lists.DnDListItemsTransferable<T> Implements the Transferable interface to carry list item data during drag and drop actions.DnDListModel<T> A generic ListModel class to support DnDList.JCoordsStatusBarItem A status bar item that displays the world coordinates of the mouse cursor position.JCRSStatusBarItem A status bar item that displays the coordinate reference system name and provides a pop-up menu to inspect or change the CRS.JExtentStatusBarItem A status bar item that displays the map pane's world bounds.JIntegerField A text field control to work with integer values.JMapStatusBar A status bar that works with a map pane to display cursor coordinates and other data.JMenuStatusBarItem A status bar item with an icon which displays a pop-up menu when clicked.JRendererStatusBarItem A status bar item that displays an animated icon to indicate renderer activity.JValueField Abstract base class for text field controls that work with a simple value such asJIntegerField
.StatusBarItem Base class for items in JMapStatusBar.ValueChangedEvent<T> An event published when the value of a control derived fromJValueField