Class DataStoreConfiguration

  • public class DataStoreConfiguration
    extends Object
    A simple class storing DataStore connection properties such as the FactorySPI used to create that datastore, as well as the connections parameters. In the beginning, Multidim coverages were holding granules index within an H2 database for each NetCDF/GRIB file.

    Starting with 14.x, it is also possible to deal with a PostGIS DB to be shared across different readers/files. A new attribute LOCATION is used to distinguish granules coming from specific file/reader instances.

    Starting with 19.x, it is also possible to use a Repository providing an externally managed store identified by name

    Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataStoreConfiguration

        public DataStoreConfiguration​(Map<String,​Serializable> datastoreParams)
        Default instance is using a H2 DB for each file
      • DataStoreConfiguration

        public DataStoreConfiguration​(String storeName)