AbstractFilter |
Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.
AndImpl |
Direct implementation of And filter.
AreaFunction |
Area of provided geometry.
AttributeExpressionImpl |
Defines a complex filter (could also be called logical filter).
BinaryComparisonAbstract |
Abstract implementation for binary filters.
BinaryLogicAbstract |
Capabilities |
Allows for easier interaction with FilterCapabilities.
CartesianDistanceFilter |
Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
CompareFilterImpl |
Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
ConstantExpression |
The Expression class is not immutable!
DefaultExpression |
Implements a default expression, with helpful variables and static methods.
ExpressionDOMParser |
parses short sections of gml for use in expressions and filters.
ExpressionSAXParser |
FallbackFunction |
A placeholder class used to track a function the user requested that is not supported by our java implementation.
FidFilterImpl |
Defines a ID filter, which holds a list of IDs ( usually feature id;s ).
FilterAbstract |
Abstract implementation for Filter.
FilterAttributeExtractor |
A simple visitor that extracts every attribute used by a filter or an expression
FilterCapabilities |
Represents the Filter capabilities that are supported by a SQLEncoder
FilterDOMParser |
A dom based parser to build filters as per OGC 01-067
FilterFactoryImpl |
Implementation of the FilterFactory, generates the filter implementations in defaultcore.
Filters |
Utility class for working with Filters & Expression.
FilterSAXParser |
Creates filters from FilterFilter, which reads in a SAX stream and passes the appropriate messages here.
FunctionExpressionImpl |
Abstract class for a function expression implementation
FunctionFinder |
Isolate function lookup code from Factory implementation(s).
FunctionImpl |
Default implementation of a Function; you may extend this class to implement specific functionality.
GeometryFilterImpl |
Implements a geometry filter.
IsBetweenImpl |
Straight implementation of GeoAPI interface.
IsEqualsToImpl |
IsGreaterThanImpl |
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToImpl |
IsLessThenImpl |
IsLessThenOrEqualToImpl |
IsNilImpl |
JD: PropertyIsNil requires us to return true if a property is "nil" in the xml schema sense.
IsNotEqualToImpl |
IsNullImpl |
LengthFunction |
Takes an AttributeExpression, and computes the length of the data for the attribute.
LikeFilterImpl |
Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
LikeToRegexConverter |
Helper class that takes a LikeFilter and generates the equivalent Java Pattern syntax
LiteralExpressionImpl |
Defines an expression that holds a literal for return.
LogicFilterImpl |
Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
LogicSAXParser |
Processes messages from clients to create Logic Filters.
MathExpressionImpl |
Holds a mathematical relationship between two expressions.
MultiCompareFilterImpl |
Support for Multi-valued properties when comparing
NativeFilterImpl |
Default implementation of a native filter that works like an holder for the native expression.
NotImpl |
NullFilterImpl |
Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.
OrImpl |
SortByImpl |