The following package is an implementation of OGC Symbology Encoding 1.1.0 and ISO 19117 : Portrayal
This package is a merge from package GeoAPI SLD (v1.0.0) and GeoTools styling.Symbology Encoding overview
Source : : 05-077r4
This document defines an XML encoding that can be used for styling feature and
coverage data.
Symbology Encoding includes the FeatureTypeStyle as root element.
These elements include all information for styling the data such as Filter and different
kinds of Symbolizers.
As Symbology Encoding is a grammar for styling map data independent of any service
interface specification it can be used flexibly by a number of services that style
georeferenced information or store styling information that can be used by other services.
Symbology Encoding is a specification that define styles in xml files. This GeoAPI implementation may be a bit different from the original XSD structure to offer a better integration in the Java langage and to follow ISO 19117.
Here are schemas breafly describing the java implementation :
- Styles have N rules, and each rule have N Symbolizers.

- We found Symbolizer for each data type we can portray.

Interface Summary Interface Description AnchorPoint An AnchorPoint identifies the location inside a textlabel to use as an "anchor" for positioning it relative to a point geometry.ChannelSelection The ChannelSelection element specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral raster source (such as a multi-band satellite-imagery source).ColorMap The ColorMap element defines the mapping of palette-type raster colors or fixed- numeric pixel values to colors using an Interpolate or Categorize SE functionColorMapEntry A basic interface for objects which can hold color map entries.ColorReplacement The ColorReplacement element, which may occur multiple times, allows to replace a color in the ExternalGraphic, the color specified in the OriginalColor sub-element, by another color as a result of a recode function as defined in Interpolate.ContrastEnhancement The ContrastEnhancement object defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image or for a color image.ContrastMethodStrategy This interface defines the strategy that a ContrastEnhancement will use to execute the ContrastMethod that it has defined.Description A Description is used to store various informations who describe an element.Displacement The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry.ExtensionSymbolizer An symbolizer interface for all unnormalized symbolizers, This interface should be used for vendor specific symbolizers.Extent An Extent gives feature/coverage/raster/matrix dimension extent.ExternalGraphic Points to an external file that contains an image of some kind, such as a CGM, JPG, or SVG.ExternalMark The alternative to a WellKnownName is an external mark format.FeatureTypeConstraint A FeatureTypeConstraint identifies a specific feature type and supplies filtering.FeatureTypeStyle Represents a style that applies to features or coverage.Fill Indicates how the interior of polygons will be filled.Font The Font element identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size.Font.Style Enumeration of allow font-style values.Font.Weight Enumeration of allow font-weight values.Graphic A Graphic is a "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size.GraphicalSymbol Common superclass for the two types of markers that can appear as children of aGraphic
object, namelyMark
.GraphicFill A GraphicFill is a simple interface with only a graphic but additional parameters for the GraphicFill may be provided in the future to provide more control the exact style of filling.GraphicLegend The LegendGraphic element allow an optional explicit graphic symbolizer to do displayed in a legend for the rule.GraphicStroke The GraphicStroke element both indicates that a repeated-linear-graphic stroke type will be used.Halo A Halo is a type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs.ImageOutline ImageOutline specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible.LabelPlacement The LabelPlacement element is used to position a label relative to a point, line string or polygon.LayerFeatureConstraints LayerFeatureConstraints define what features and feature types are referenced in a layer.LinePlacement The "LinePlacement" specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a line.LineSymbolizer Gives directions for how to draw lines on a map.Mark Indicate that one of a few predefined shapes will be drawn at the points of the geometry.NamedLayer A NamedLayer is used to refer to a layer that has a name in a WMS.NamedStyle A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.OtherText Allows open ended extensions for text oriented rendering formats.OverlapBehavior PointPlacement A PointPlacement specifies how a text label is positioned relative to a geometric point.PointSymbolizer Indicates how to draw point geometries on a map.PolygonSymbolizer Holds the information that indicates how to draw the lines and the interior of polygons.RasterSymbolizer The RasterSymbolizer describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs).RemoteOWS A RemoteOWS gives a reference to a remote WFS/WCS/other-OWS server.ResourceLocator Provides a hook to locate online resources inExternalGraphic
instances.Rule SelectedChannelType A class to hold Channel information for use in ChannelSelection objects.ShadedRelief The ShadedRelief element selects the application of relief shading (or “hill shading”) to an image for a three-dimensional visual effect.Stroke Contains all the information needed to draw styled lines.Style A UserStyle is at the same semantic level as a NamedStyle used in the context of a WMS.StyledLayer 'StyledLayer' is not part of the SLD 1.0 spec.StyledLayerDescriptor Holds styling information (from a StyleLayerDescriptor document).StyleFactory Factory used in the production of style objects.StyleVisitor An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style hierarchy.Symbol This a mostly empty interface for styling symbol objects to implementSymbolizer Abstract superclass of the symbolizers defined by the Symbology Encoding specification.TextSymbolizer Indicates how text will be drawn.TraversingStyleVisitor An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style hierarchy.UserLayer A UserLayer allows a user-defined layer to be built from WFS and WCS data. -
Class Summary Class Description ContrastMethod The ContrastEnhancement element defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image or for a color image.SemanticType Identifies the more general "type" of geometry that this style is meant to act upon.Stroke.ConstantStroke -
Enum Summary Enum Description FeatureTypeStyle.RenderingSelectionOptions OverlapBehaviorEnum The OverlapBehavior element tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes.TextSymbolizer.DisplacementMode DisplacementMode associates an angle with each enum valueTextSymbolizer.GraphicPlacement GraphicPlacemnts controls the position of the Graphic associated with the labelTextSymbolizer.PolygonAlignOptions Enumerated options that can be used with polygonAlign.