DpiRescaleStyleVisitor |
This is a style visitor that will produce a copy of the provided style.
DuplicatingStyleVisitor |
Creates a deep copy of a Style, this class is *NOT THREAD SAFE*.
LegendRenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor implementation meant to be used when rendering legends *
MapRenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor implementation meant to be used when rendering maps *
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
This abstract class applies the include VendorOptions to a Style eg.
RescaleStyleVisitor |
This is a style visitor that will produce a copy of the provided style rescaled by a provided factor.
RescaleToPixelsFunction |
Applies unit to pixel rescaling around expressions whose native unit cannot be determined in a static fashion
UomRescaleStyleVisitor |
Visitor used for rescaling a Style given a map scale (e.g., meters per pixel) and taking into consideration the Unit
of Measure (UOM, e.g., SI.METRE, USCustomary.FOOT) of each symbolizer.