Class OperationType

  • public class OperationType
    extends Object
    Represents an operation used by Open Web Services for requests and responses.
    • Field Detail

      • get

        protected URL get
      • post

        protected URL post
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationType

        public OperationType()
    • Method Detail

      • getFormats

        public List<String> getFormats()
        Each format is usually a MIME type string that can be used to indicate what format the server's response should be in.
        a List of Strings, each of which usually represent a mime type
      • setFormats

        public void setFormats​(List<String> formats)
      • getGet

        public URL getGet()
        the URL where a GET request should be made
      • setGet

        public void setGet​(URL get)
      • getPost

        public URL getPost()
        the URL where a POST request should be made
      • setPost

        public void setPost​(URL post)