Class JTextReporter

  • public class JTextReporter
    extends Object
    Displays a text report dialog with options to copy text to the system clipboard or save to file. It is used within the gt-swing module (for example, by the InfoTool class) and is also suitable for general use. This class is not a Swing component itself, rather it is a dialog manager which allows an application to create and update text reporter dialogs from any thread (not just the AWT Event Dispatch Thread).

    Dialogs are created using the various static showDialog methods. For example, this code creates and shows a dialog displaying the given text:

     String textToDisplay = ...
     JTextReporter.showDialog("My very important report", text);
    Dialog behaviour can be specified with those showDialog methods which accept a flags argument. The dialog in the above example will have the default state (non-modal; resizable; always on top of other windows) as specified by the DEFAULT_FLAGS constant. If we wanted to display the text in a modal dialog we can do this:
     String textToDisplay = ...
     JTextReporter.showDialog("My very important report", text,
             JTextReporter.FLAG_MODAL | FLAG_RESIZEABLE);
    As well as displaying fixed text, you can also append text to the dialog's display while it is on-screen. Each of the showDialog methods returns a JTextReporter.Connection object (a nested class within JTextReporter) which provides methods to append text safely from any thread:
     Connection conn = JTextReporter.showDialog("Progressive report");
     // Append some text to the dialog's display
     conn.append("First line of the report").appendNewline();
     // Later add some more text
     conn.append("Next line of the report").appendNewline();
    A Connection object only keeps a WeakReference to the associated dialog to avoid memory leaks. If an attempt is made to append text after the user has closed the dialog an error message is logged indicating that the connection has expired.

    The JTextReporter.Connection also lets you add listeners to track when the text reporter is updated or closed:

     Connection conn = JTextReporter.showDialog("Progressive report");
     conn.addListener(new TextReporterListener() {
         public void onReporterClosed() {
             // do something
         public void onReporterUpdated() {
             // do something
    Michael Bedward
    • Field Detail

      • FLAG_MODAL

        public static final int FLAG_MODAL
        Constant indicating that a text reporter should be displayed as a modal dialog. Use with showDialog methods which take a flags argument.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP
        Constant indicating that a text reporter should stay on top of other application windows. Use with showDialog methods which take a flags argument.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLAG_RESIZABLE
        Constant indicating that a text reporter dialog should be resizable. Use with showDialog methods which take a flags argument.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_FLAGS
        Default flags argument for showDialog methods. Equivalent to FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP | FLAG_RESIZABLE.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_TEXTAREA_ROWS
        Default number of rows shown in the text display area's preferred size
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_TEXTAREA_COLS
        Default number of columns shown in the text display area's preferred size
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NEWLINE

        public static String NEWLINE
        System-dependent newline character(s).
    • Constructor Detail

      • JTextReporter

        public JTextReporter()
    • Method Detail

      • showDialog

        public static JTextReporter.Connection showDialog​(String title)
        Creates a displays a new text reporter dialog.

        This method can be called safely from any thread.

        title - dialog title (may be null or empty
        a JTextReporter.Connection via which the text displayed by the dialog can be updated
      • showDialog

        public static JTextReporter.Connection showDialog​(String title,
                                                          String initialText)
        Creates a displays a new text reporter dialog.

        This method can be called safely from any thread.

        title - dialog title (may be null or empty
        initialText - text to display initially (may be null or empty
        a JTextReporter.Connection via which the text displayed by the dialog can be updated
      • showDialog

        public static JTextReporter.Connection showDialog​(String title,
                                                          String initialText,
                                                          int flags)
        Creates a displays a new text reporter dialog.

        This method can be called safely from any thread.

        title - dialog title (may be null or empty
        initialText - text to display initially (may be null or empty
        a JTextReporter.Connection via which the text displayed by the dialog can be updated