Class StaticMethodsProcessFactory<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getNames

        public Set<Name> getNames()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessFactory
        The names (non human readable) that can be used to refer to the processes generated by this factory.

        This name is used to advertise the availability of a Process in a WPS; while the Title and Description will change depending on the users locale; this name will be consistent. It is up to the implementor to ensure this name is unique

        a set of names handled by this process factory
      • createProcessBean

        protected Object createProcessBean​(Name name)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationDrivenProcessFactory
        Creates the bean upon which the process execution method will be invoked.

        Can be null in case the method is a static one

        Specified by:
        createProcessBean in class AnnotationDrivenProcessFactory
        name - Name of the process bean
        intance of process bean; or null if the method is a static method