Class AbstractMetadata

    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        protected static final Logger LOGGER
        The logger for metadata implementation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMetadata

        protected AbstractMetadata()
        Creates an initially empty metadata.
      • AbstractMetadata

        protected AbstractMetadata​(Object source)
                            throws ClassCastException,
        Constructs a metadata entity initialized with the values from the specified metadata. The source metadata must implements the same metadata interface (defined by the standard) than this class, but don't need to be the same implementation class. The copy is performed using Java reflections.
        source - The metadata to copy values from.
        ClassCastException - if the specified metadata don't implements the expected metadata interface.
        UnmodifiableMetadataException - if this class don't define set methods corresponding to the get methods found in the implemented interface, or if this instance is not modifiable for some other reason.
    • Method Detail

      • getStandard

        public abstract MetadataStandard getStandard()
        Returns the metadata standard implemented by subclasses.
        The metadata standard implemented.
      • getInterface

        public Class<?> getInterface()
        Returns the metadata interface implemented by this class. It should be one of the interfaces defined in the metadata standard implemented by this class.
        The standard interface implemented by this implementation class.
      • asMap

        public Map<String,​Object> asMap()
        Returns a view of this metadata object as a map. The map is backed by this metadata object using Java reflection, so changes in the underlying metadata object are immediately reflected in the map. The keys are the property names as determined by the list of get*() methods declared in the metadata interface.

        The map supports the put operations if the underlying metadata object contains {@link #set*(...)} methods.

        A view of this metadata object as a map.
      • asTree

        public TreeModel asTree()
        Returns a view of this metadata as a tree. Note that while TreeModel is defined in the javax.swing.tree package, it can be seen as a data structure independent of Swing. It will not force class loading of Swing framework.

        In current implementation, the tree is not live (i.e. changes in metadata are not reflected in the tree). However it may be improved in a future Geotools implementation.

        A view of this metadata object as a tree.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares this metadata with the specified object for equality. The default implementation uses Java reflection. Subclasses may override this method for better performances.

        This method performs a deep comparaison (i.e. if this metadata contains other metadata, the comparaison will walk through the other metadata content as well) providing that every childs implement the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) method as well. This is the case by default if every childs are subclasses of AbstractMetadata.

        equals in class Object
        object - The object to compare with this metadata.
        true if the given object is equals to this metadata.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Computes a hash code value for this metadata using Java reflection. The hash code is defined as the sum of hash code values of all non-null properties. This is the same contract than Set.hashCode() and ensure that the hash code value is insensitive to the ordering of properties.
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this metadata.
        toString in class Object