Class TileMBSource

    • Constructor Detail

      • TileMBSource

        public TileMBSource​(JSONObject json)
      • TileMBSource

        public TileMBSource​(JSONObject json,
                            MBObjectParser parser)
    • Method Detail

      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        (Optional) A URL to a TileJSON resource. Supported protocols are http:, https:, and mapbox://<mapid>.
        A String for the URL.
      • getTiles

        public List<String> getTiles()
        (Optional) An array of one or more tile source URLs, as in the TileJSON spec.
        A list for the tile source URLs; empty list by default.
      • getMinZoom

        public Number getMinZoom()
        (Optional) Defaults to 0. Minimum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec.
        Number for the min zoom, defaulting to 0
      • getMaxZoom

        public Number getMaxZoom()
        (Optional) Defaults to 22. Maximum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec. Data from tiles at the maxzoom are used when displaying the map at higher zoom levels.
        Number for the max zoom, defaulting to 22