CachingDataStoreGranuleCatalog |
This class simply builds an SRTREE spatial index in memory for fast indexed geometric queries.
CatalogConfigurationBean |
Catalog configuration.
CatalogConfigurationBeans |
CogConfiguration |
Bean containing all COG related configuration properties
GranuleCatalog |
GranuleCatalogFactory |
Simple Factory class for creating GranuleCatalog instance to handle the catalog of granules for this mosaic.
GranuleCatalogSource |
GranuleCatalogStore |
GTDataStoreGranuleCatalog |
LockingGranuleCatalog |
Applies read/write locks around all operations to protect the underlying store, which might not be able to handle
this scenario correctly
MultiLevelROIGeometryOverviews |
A ROIGeometry provider that handles multi-scale ROI, supporting per imageIndex overviews's geometries being stored in
separate sidecar file
MultiLevelROIGeometryOverviewsProvider |
MultiLevelROIProviderMosaicFactory |
Factory class used for returning a MultiLevelROIProvider based on the input footprint properties and files
for mosaics
MultiLevelROIRasterProvider |
QueryCacheGranuleCatalog |
RepositoryDataStoreCatalog |
A catalog fetching the backing GeoTools data store from a Repository on demand
ShapefileLoaderSPI |