Class Length

  • public abstract class Length
    extends Object
    length is the number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type that is being ???derived??? from.

    The value of length ???must??? be a nonNegativeInteger. Length is defined as:

    • string length is measured in units of characters
    • anyURI length is measured in units of characters
    • hexBinary and base64Binary length is measured in octets (8bits) on binary data
    • list length is measured in number of list items
    This is xml so length string applies to datatypes derrived from string. Simon the spec says: For string and datatypes ???derived??? from string, length will not always coincide with "string length" as perceived by some users or with the number of storage units in some digital representation. Therefore, care should be taken when specifying a value for length and in attempting to infer storage requirements from a given value for length.


     <simpleType name='productCode'>
      <restriction base='string'>
        <length value='8' fixed='true'/>
    Jody Garnett
    • Field Detail


        public static final Length CHARACTERS
        string and anyURI measured length is measured in units of characters
      • OCTETS

        public static final Length OCTETS
        hexBinary and base64Binary length is measured in octets (8bits) on binary data
      • LIST

        public static final Length LIST
        By default this one understands Collection, Array and Integer.

        So if you are checking a custom object please pass in an Integer representing the size of your object.