Class JWizard

    • Field Detail

      • FINISH

        public static final int FINISH
        Indicates that the 'Finish' button was pressed to close the dialog.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CANCEL

        public static final int CANCEL
        Indicates that the 'Cancel' button was pressed to close the dialog, or the user pressed the close box in the corner of the window.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ERROR

        public static final int ERROR
        Indicates that the dialog closed due to an internal error.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isCancelEnabled

        public Boolean isCancelEnabled()
      • setCancelEnabled

        public void setCancelEnabled​(Boolean isEnabled)
      • isNextEnabled

        public Boolean isNextEnabled()
      • setNextEnabled

        public void setNextEnabled​(Boolean isEnabled)
      • setFinishEnabled

        public void setFinishEnabled​(Boolean isEnabled)
      • isBackEnabled

        public Boolean isBackEnabled()
      • setBackEnabled

        public void setBackEnabled​(Boolean isEnabled)
      • close

        protected void close​(int code)
        Closes the dialog and sets the return code to the integer parameter.
        code - The return code.
      • windowClosing

        public void windowClosing​(WindowEvent e)
      • getReturnCode

        public int getReturnCode()
        Retrieves the last return code set by the dialog.
        An integer that identifies how the dialog was closed. See the *_RETURN_CODE constants of this class for possible values.
      • showModalDialog

        public int showModalDialog()
        Convenience method that displays a modal wizard dialog and blocks until the dialog has completed.
        Indicates how the dialog was closed one of CANCEL, ERROR, FINISH
      • setCurrentPanel

        public void setCurrentPanel​(String id)
        Called to display a page.

      • registerWizardPanel

        public void registerWizardPanel​(JPage page)
        Registers the page with this JWizard. The page is stored by its identifier (so other pages can look it up). The page.setJWizard() method is also called so the page can refer to its containing wizard at runtime.
      • getController

        public JWizard.Controller getController()
        The controller can be hooked up to your own fields or lists; it will call syncWizardButtons() which will use validate to update the buttons in response to user input.