Class ParameterParserDelegate

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterParserDelegate

        public ParameterParserDelegate()
    • Method Detail

      • canHandle

        public boolean canHandle​(QName elementName)
      • canHandle

        public boolean canHandle​(QName elementName,
                                 Attributes attributes,
                                 Handler handler,
                                 Handler parent)
        Description copied from interface: ParserDelegate
        Determines if this delegate can handle the specified element name.

        A common check in this method would be to check the namespace of the element.

        Specified by:
        canHandle in interface ParserDelegate
        elementName - The name of the element to potentially handle.
        attributes - The attributes of the element to potentially handle
        handler - The parse handler that would normally handle the element, possibly null
        parent - The parse handler for the parent element, possibly null.
        True if this delegate handles elements of the specified name and should take over parsing.
      • getParsedObject

        public Object getParsedObject()
        Description copied from interface: ParserDelegate
        Gets the final parsed object from the delegate.

        This method is called after parsing control returns to the main parsing driver.

        Specified by:
        getParsedObject in interface ParserDelegate