Class HaloBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • parent

        protected AbstractSLDBuilder<?> parent
      • unset

        protected boolean unset
    • Constructor Detail

      • HaloBuilder

        public HaloBuilder()
      • HaloBuilder

        public HaloBuilder​(AbstractStyleBuilder<?> parent)
    • Method Detail

      • unset

        public AbstractStyleBuilder<Halo> unset()
        Set the HaloBuilder to produce node
        Specified by:
        unset in interface Builder<Halo>
        current HaloBuilder for chaining operations
      • reset

        public Builder<Halo> reset()
        Set the HaloBuilder

        to produce a default Halo.

        current HaloBuilder

        for chaining operations

      • reset

        public Builder<Halo> reset​(Halo halo)
        Set the HaloBuilder to produce the provided Halo.
        halo - Halo under construction; if null HaloBuilder will be unset()
        current HaloBuilder for chaining operations
      • radius

        public HaloBuilder radius​(double radius)
      • build

        public Halo build()
        Description copied from interface: Builder
        Created object, may be null if unset()
        Created object may be null if unset()
      • buildStyleInternal

        protected void buildStyleInternal​(StyleBuilder sb)
      • buildStyle

        public Style buildStyle()
      • buildRoot

        public Object buildRoot()
      • init

        protected void init​(Builder<T> other)