Class GMLEncodingUtils

  • public class GMLEncodingUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • GMLEncodingUtils

        public GMLEncodingUtils​(XSD gml)
    • Method Detail

      • GeometryPropertyType_getProperty

        public Object GeometryPropertyType_getProperty​(Geometry geometry,
                                                       QName name)
      • GeometryPropertyType_getProperty

        public Object GeometryPropertyType_getProperty​(Geometry geometry,
                                                       QName name,
                                                       boolean includeAbstractGeometry)
      • GeometryPropertyType_getProperty

        public Object GeometryPropertyType_getProperty​(Geometry geometry,
                                                       QName name,
                                                       boolean includeAbstractGeometry,
                                                       boolean makeEmpty)
      • GeometryPropertyType_getProperties

        public List<Object[]> GeometryPropertyType_getProperties​(Geometry geometry)
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Geometry geometry)
      • getID

        public String getID​(Geometry g)
        Determines the identifier (gml:id) of the geometry by checking Geometry.getUserData().

        This method returns null when no id can be found.

      • setID

        public void setID​(Geometry g,
                          String id)
        Set the identifier (gml:id) of the geometry as a key in the user data map Geometry.getUserData() (creating it withGeometry.getUserData() if it does not already exist). If the user data exists and is not a Map, this method has no effect.
        g - the geometry
        id - the gml:id to be set
      • getName

        public String getName​(Geometry g)
        Determines the description (gml:description) of the geometry by checking Geometry.getUserData().

        This method returns null when no name can be found.

      • setName

        public void setName​(Geometry g,
                            String name)
        Set the name (gml:name) of the geometry as a key in the user data map Geometry.getUserData() (creating it withGeometry.getUserData() if it does not already exist). If the user data exists and is not a Map, this method has no effect.
        g - the geometry
        name - the gml:name to be set
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​(Geometry g)
        Determines the name (gml:name) of the geometry by checking Geometry.getUserData().

        This method returns null when no description can be found.

      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(Geometry g,
                                   String description)
        Set the description (gml:description) of the geometry as a key in the user data map Geometry.getUserData() (creating it withGeometry.getUserData() if it does not already exist). If the user data exists and is not a Map, this method has no effect.
        g - the geometry
        description - the gml:description to be set
      • isJoinedFeature

        public static boolean isJoinedFeature​(Object obj)
        Checks if a feature is a joined one
      • splitJoinedFeature

        public static SimpleFeature[] splitJoinedFeature​(Object obj)
        Splits a joined feature into its components