Class Console

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Console
    extends AbstractConsole
    A console for executing CRS operations from the command line. Instructions are read from the standard input stream and results are sent to the standard output stream. Instructions include:
    SET name = wkt Set the specified name as a shortcut for the specified Well Know Text (wkt). This WKT can contains other shortcuts defined previously.
    transform = wkt Set explicitly a math transform to use for coordinate transformations. This instruction is a more direct alternative to the usage of source crs and target crs instruction.
    source crs = wkt Set the source coordinate reference system to the specified object. This object can be specified as a Well Know Text (wkt) or as a shortcut previously set.
    target crs = wkt Set the target coordinate reference system to the specified object. This object can be specified as a Well Know Text (wkt) or as a shortcut previously set. Once both source and target CRS are specified a math transform from source to target CRS is automatically infered.
    source pt = coord Transforms the specified coordinates from source CRS to target CRS and prints the result.
    target pt = coord Inverse transforms the specified coordinates from target CRS to source CRS and prints the result.
    test tolerance = vector Set the maximum difference between the transformed source point and the target point. Once this value is set, every occurence of the target pt instruction will trig this comparaison. If a greater difference is found, an exception is thrown or a message is printed to the error stream.
    print set Prints the set of shortcuts defined in previous calls to SET instruction.
    print crs Prints the source and target coordinate reference system math transform and its inverse as Well Know Text (wkt).
    print pts Prints the source and target points, their transformed points, and the distance between them.
    exit Quit the console.
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String... args)
        Run the console from the command line. Before to process all instructions from the standard input stream, this method first process the following optional command-line arguments:

        -load <filename>  Load a definition file before to run instructions from the standard input stream.
        -encoding <code>  Set the character encoding.
        -locale <language>  Set the language for the output (e.g. "fr" for French).
        args - the command line arguments
      • test

        protected void test()
                     throws TransformException,
        Invoked automatically when the target pt instruction were executed and a test tolerance were previously set. The default implementation compares the transformed source point with the expected target point. If a mismatch greater than the tolerance error is found, an exception is thrown. Subclasses may overrides this method in order to performs more tests.
        TransformException - if the source point can't be transformed, or a mistmatch is found.
        MismatchedDimensionException - if the transformed source point doesn't have the expected dimension.
      • reportError

        protected void reportError​(Exception exception)
        Print an exception message to the standard error stream. The error message includes the line number, and the column where the failure occured in the exception is an instance of ParseException.
        reportError in class AbstractConsole
        exception - The exception to report.