ByteArrayImageInputStreamSpi |
Image input stream provider creating an image input stream directly from a byte array.
DataColumn |
A Data Column from the gpkg_schema extension
DataColumnConstraint |
Base class for gpkg_schema data colum constraints
DataColumnConstraint.Enum |
A enumeration restriction, with possible values and their description
DataColumnConstraint.Glob |
DataColumnConstraint.Range<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
A numeric range restriction
Entry |
Entry in a geopackage.
FeatureEntry |
Feature entry in a geopackage.
Features |
Feature utility class.
GeoPackage |
Provides access to a GeoPackage database.
GeoPkgDataStoreFactory |
The GeoPackage DataStore Factory.
GeoPkgDialect |
The GeoPackage SQL Dialect.
GeoPkgExtension |
Base class for GeoPackage extensions, containing the share-able functionality
GeoPkgExtension.Association |
GeoPkgFilterToSQL |
GeoPkgMetadata |
A metadata entry in a GeoPackage
GeoPkgMetadataExtension |
Supports the GeoPackage metadata extension, defined as a "registered extension" in the GeoPackage standard at
GeoPkgMetadataExtension.Factory |
GeoPkgMetadataReference |
GeoPkgSchemaExtension |
The geopackage schema extension, allowing to declare more information about columns and eventually express
constraints on them
GeoPkgSchemaExtension.Factory |
Tile |
A single tile from a geopackage tiles layer.
TileEntry |
Tiles Entry inside a GeoPackage.
TileMatrix |
A TileMatrix inside a Geopackage.
TileReader |
The TileReader reads tiles consecutively from a tile layer inside a GeoPackage.