ContentDataStore |
Abstract base class for data stores.
ContentEntry |
An entry for a type or feature source provided by a DataStore.
ContentFeatureCollection |
A FeatureCollection that completely delegates to a backing FetaureSource#getReader
ContentFeatureCollection.WrappingFeatureIterator |
ContentFeatureSource |
Abstract implementation of FeatureSource.
ContentFeatureStore |
Abstract implementation of FeatureStore.
ContentState |
The state of an entry in a DataStore, maintained on a per-transaction basis.
DataFeatureCollection |
A starting point for implementing FeatureCollection's backed onto a FeatureReader.
DecoratingDataStore |
Delegates every method to the wrapped feature source.
DiffContentFeatureWriter |
A FeatureWriter that captures modifications against a FeatureReader.
DiffTransactionState |
Transaction state responsible for holding an in memory Diff of any modifications.
EmptyFeatureCollection |
EmptyIterator<T> |
An iterator that returns no content.
EventContentFeatureWriter |
FeatureWriter wrapper that issues events modifications as required.
FeatureIteratorIterator<F extends Feature> |
FilteringFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Decorates a feature collection with one that filters content.
FilteringFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
Decorates a FeatureIterator with one that filters content.
FilteringIterator<F extends Feature> |
Decorates a org.geotools.feature.Feature iterator with one that filters content.
MaxFeaturesFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
SimpleFeatureCollection wrapper which limits the number of features returned.
MaxFeaturesIterator<F extends Feature> |
Iterator wrapper which caps the number of returned features.
NoContentIterator |
This iterator is used to indicate that contents could not be aquired.
ReprojectingFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection decorator that reprojects all geometries of the features within the feature collection.
ReprojectingFeatureIterator |
ReprojectingIterator |
ReTypingFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection decorator which decorates a feature collection "re-typing" its schema based on attributes
specified in a query.
ReTypingFeatureIterator |
FeatureIterator wrapper which re-types features on the fly based on a target feature type.