AbstractFilterVisitor |
Base implementation of the FilterVisitor used for inorder traversal of expressions.
AbstractFinderFilterVisitor |
Abstract FilterVisitor for answering yes / no questions about a filter.
AbstractSearchFilterVisitor |
SearchFilterVisitor is a base class used to optimize finding specific information in the filter data structure.
BindingFilterVisitor |
Binds all literals in the filter to the target type they are compared to, in order to avoid the usage of converters
on a evaluation by evaluation basis.
CapabilitiesFilterSplitter |
Determines what queries can be processed server side and which can be processed client side.
DefaultExpressionVisitor |
Abstract implementation of ExpressionVisitor that simply walks the data structure.
DefaultFilterVisitor |
Abstract implementation of FilterVisitor that simply walks the data structure.
DuplicatingFilterVisitor |
Used to duplication Filters and/or Expressions - returned object is a copy.
ExpressionTypeVisitor |
Returns the output type of the visited expression, taking into account functions output types, property types, and
general promotion rules in arithmetic expressions
ExtractBoundsFilterVisitor |
Extract a maximal envelope from the provided Filter.
FilterVisitorSupport |
Base filter visitor class that aggregates the individual visit methods based on filter
FixBBOXFilterVisitor |
Visit the BBOX filter elements and make sure they are valid.
IsFullySupportedFilterVisitor |
This visitor will return Boolean.TRUE if the provided filter is completely supported by the FilterCapabilities.
IsStaticExpressionVisitor |
Check if an expression is static (ie does not contain a PropertyName expression).
IsSupportedFilterVisitor |
This visitor will return Boolean.TRUE if the provided filter is supported by the the FilterCapabilities.
JsonPointerFilterSplittingVisitor |
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor |
This visitor gets rid of equations that contain literals with multiple values (collections) and creates instead
multiple singe value equations, replacing the ANY, ALL, ONE logic by AND, OR, NOT logic
MultiRange<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
Represents the domain of a variable as a set of ranges
NullExpressionVisitor |
This class does *nothing* - useful to prevent null checks in AbstractFilterVisitor.
NullFilterVisitor |
Abstract implementation of FilterVisitor simple returns the provided data.
OperatorNameFilterVisitor |
A FilterVisitor responsible for providing the capabilities name used to identify the provided filter.
PostPreProcessFilterSplittingVisitor |
Determines what queries can be processed server side and which can be processed client side.
PropertyNameResolvingVisitor |
Resolves all property name references in a filter against a particular feature type.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor |
Takes a filter and returns a simplified, equivalent one.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor.RegExFIDValidator |
A FID validator that matches the fids with a given regular expression to determine the fid's validity.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor.TypeNameDotNumberFidValidator |
A convenient fid validator for the common case of a feature id being a composition of a
SpatialFilterVisitor |
Filter that can be applied to determine if a Filter contains any spatial filter