Class ImageGraphicFactory

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clearCache()
      Clear the graphic cache.
      Icon getIcon​(Feature feature, Expression url, String format, int size)
      Turns the specified URL into an Icon, eventually using the Feature attributes to evaluate CQL expressions embedded in the url.
      The size parameter defines the size of the image (so that vector based symbols can be drawn at the specified size directly), or may be zero or negative if the size was not specified (in that case the "natural" size of the image will be used, which is the size in pixels for raster images, and 16 for any format that does not have a specific size, according to the SLD spec).
      null will be returned if this factory cannot handle the provided url.
      Set<String> getSupportedMimeTypes()
      Returs the set of mime types supported by this factory
      static void resetCache()
      Images are cached by the factory, this method can be used to drop the cache
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageGraphicFactory

        public ImageGraphicFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getIcon

        public Icon getIcon​(Feature feature,
                            Expression url,
                            String format,
                            int size)
        Description copied from interface: ExternalGraphicFactory
        Turns the specified URL into an Icon, eventually using the Feature attributes to evaluate CQL expressions embedded in the url.
        The size parameter defines the size of the image (so that vector based symbols can be drawn at the specified size directly), or may be zero or negative if the size was not specified (in that case the "natural" size of the image will be used, which is the size in pixels for raster images, and 16 for any format that does not have a specific size, according to the SLD spec).
        null will be returned if this factory cannot handle the provided url.
        Specified by:
        getIcon in interface ExternalGraphicFactory
      • getSupportedMimeTypes

        public Set<String> getSupportedMimeTypes()
        Returs the set of mime types supported by this factory
      • resetCache

        public static void resetCache()
        Images are cached by the factory, this method can be used to drop the cache