Class DB2WKBWriter

  • public class DB2WKBWriter
    extends Object
    Christian Mueller

    Version of JTS WKB Writer adjusted for DB2

    See Also:
    for JTS Java Doc
    • Constructor Detail

      • DB2WKBWriter

        public DB2WKBWriter​(boolean hasOGCWkbZTyps)
        Creates a writer that writes Geometry using BIG_ENDIAN byte order. If the input geometry has a small coordinate dimension, coordinates will be padded with NULL_ORDINATE.
      • DB2WKBWriter

        public DB2WKBWriter​(int byteOrder,
                            boolean hasOGCWkbZTyps)
        Creates a writer that writes Geometrys in the given byte order If the input geometry has a small coordinate dimension, coordinates will be padded with NULL_ORDINATE.
        byteOrder - the byte ordering to use
    • Method Detail

      • guessCoordinateDimension

        public static final int guessCoordinateDimension​(Geometry g)
        returns the coordinate dimension for a geometry
        g - the geometry
        if there is one z value != NaN, then 3 else 2
      • bytesToHex

        public static String bytesToHex​(byte[] bytes)
      • write

        public byte[] write​(Geometry geom)
        Writes a Geometry into a byte array.
        geom - the geometry to write
        the byte array containing the WKB
      • getOutputDimension

        public int getOutputDimension()