Interface ProcessFactory

    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        InternationalString getTitle()
        Name suitable for display to end user.
        A short name suitable for display in a user interface.
      • getNames

        Set<Name> getNames()
        The names (non human readable) that can be used to refer to the processes generated by this factory.

        This name is used to advertise the availability of a Process in a WPS; while the Title and Description will change depending on the users locale; this name will be consistent. It is up to the implementor to ensure this name is unique

        a set of names handled by this process factory
      • getTitle

        InternationalString getTitle​(Name name)
        Human readable title suitable for display for the specified process

        Please note that this title is *not* stable across locale; if you want to remember a ProcessFactory between runs please use getName (which is dependent on the implementor to guarantee uniqueness) or use the classname

        name - the process identifier
      • getDescription

        InternationalString getDescription​(Name name)
        Human readable description of the specified process
        name - the process whose description is to be returned
      • getParameterInfo

        Map<String,​Parameter<?>> getParameterInfo​(Name name)
        Description of the Map parameter to use when executing.
        name - the process identifier
        Description of required parameters
      • create

        Process create​(Name name)
        Create a process for execution.
        name - the process identifier
        Process implementation
      • supportsProgress

        boolean supportsProgress​(Name name)
        It is up to the process implementors to implement progress on the task, this method is used to see if the process has progress monitoring implemented
        name - the process identifier
        true if it supports progress monitoring
      • getVersion

        String getVersion​(Name name)
        Return the version of the process
        name - the process identifier
        String version