AbstractLiteIterator |
Subclass that provides a convenient efficient currentSegment(float[] coords) implementation that reuses always the
same double array.
CircularArc |
Represents an arc by three points, and provides methods to linearize it to a given max distance from the actual
CircularRing |
A CircularRing is a CircularString whose start and end point coincide.
CircularString |
A CircularString is a sequence of zero or more connected circular arc segments.
CompoundCurve |
A CompoundCurve is a connected sequence of circular arcs and linear segments.
CompoundRing |
A CompoundRing is a connected sequence of circular arcs and linear segments forming a closed line.
CurvedGeometries |
Utility methods for curved geometries
CurvedGeometryFactory |
CurvePolygon |
A subclass of polygon that can host also curves and will linearize if needed
Decimator |
Accepts geometries and collapses all the vertices that will be rendered to the same pixel.
DefaultCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
EmptyIterator |
An iterator for empty geometries
GeomCollectionIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over a geometry collection.
GeometryBuilder |
GeometryClipper |
A stateful geometry clipper, can clip linestring on a specified rectangle.
GeometryCollector |
A stateful geometry collector that will add all geometries into a single resulting geometry collection with the
following properties:
the elements of the resulting geometry are simple geometries, adding a geometry collection will result in it
being flattened
the resulting geometry collection type will match its contents, a generic geometry collection will be used only
in case of heterogeneous contents
all geometries will be cloned using the provided geometry factory (one based on a
PackedCoordinateSequence is used by default to reduce memory usage)
GeometryCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
Service object that takes a geometry and applies a MathTransform to the coordinates it contains, creating a
new geometry as the transformed output.
JTS Geometry utility methods, bringing Geotools to JTS.
JTSFactoryFinder |
LineIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
LineIterator2 |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
LiteCoordinateSequence |
LiteCoordinateSequenceFactory |
LiteShape |
A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used by java2d without
coordinate cloning.
LiteShape2 |
A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used by java2d without
coordinate cloning.
MultiCurve |
A subclass of multi line string that can host also curves and will linearize if needed
MultiSurface |
OffsetCurveBuilder |
Builds a offset curve, that is, a line parallel to the provided geometry at a given distance.
PackedLineIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
PointIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over Point objects.
PolygonIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over Polygon objects.
PreciseCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
This coordinate sequence transformer will take a Geometry and transform in a set of curved lines that will be
"flattened" in order to get back a set of straight segments.
ReferencedEnvelope |
ReferencedEnvelope3D |
TransformedShape |
WKBReader |
Reads a Geometry from a byte stream in Postgis Extended Well-Known Binary format.
WKTReader2 |
Create a geometry from SQL Multi-Media Extension Well-Known Text which allows curves.
WKTWriter2 |
A fork of JTS own WKTWriter that can write curved geometries using SQL Multi-Media Extension Well-Known Text