Class ContentFeatureSource

    • Field Detail

      • entry

        protected ContentEntry entry
        The entry for the feature source.

        This entry is managed by the DataStore and is shared between all live ContentFeatureSource and ContentFeatureStore instances.

      • lock

        protected FeatureLock lock
        Current feature lock
      • query

        protected Query query
        The query defining the feature source
      • schema

        protected SimpleFeatureType schema
        Cached feature type (only set if this instance is a view)
      • queryCapabilities

        protected QueryCapabilities queryCapabilities
        The query capabilities returned by this feature source
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentFeatureSource

        public ContentFeatureSource​(ContentEntry entry,
                                    Query query)
        Creates the new feature source from a query.

        The query is taken into account for any operations done against the feature source. For example, when getReader(Query) is called the query specified is "joined" to the query specified in the constructor. The query parameter may be null to specify that the feature source represents the entire set of features.

    • Method Detail

      • getEntry

        public ContentEntry getEntry()
        The entry for the feature source.
      • getTransaction

        public Transaction getTransaction()
        The current transaction the feature source is working against.

        This transaction is used to derive the state for the feature source. A null value for a transaction represents the auto commit transaction: Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT.

      • setTransaction

        public void setTransaction​(Transaction transaction)
        Sets the current transaction the feature source is working against.

        transaction may be null. This signifies that the auto-commit transaction is used: Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT.

        transaction - The new transaction, or null.
      • getState

        public ContentState getState()
        The current state for the feature source.

        This value is derived from current transaction of the feature source.

      • isView

        public final boolean isView()
        Indicates if this feature source is actually a view.
      • getInfo

        public ResourceInfo getInfo()
        A default ResourceInfo with a generic description.

        Subclasses should override to provide an explicit ResourceInfo object for their content.

        Specified by:
        getInfo in interface FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        description of features contents
      • getName

        public Name getName()
        Returns the same name than the feature type (ie, getSchema().getName() to honor the simple feature land common practice of calling the same both the Features produces and their types
        Specified by:
        getName in interface FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        the name of the features accessible through this FeatureSource
        See Also:
      • getAbsoluteSchema

        protected final SimpleFeatureType getAbsoluteSchema()
        Helper method for returning the underlying schema of the feature source. This is a non-view this is the same as calling getSchema(), but in the view case the underlying "true" schema is returned.
      • getBounds

        public final ReferencedEnvelope getBounds​(Query query)
                                           throws IOException
        Returns the bounds of the results of the specified query against the feature source.

        This method calls through to getBoundsInternal(Query) which subclasses must implement. It also contains optimizations which check state for cached values.

        Specified by:
        getBounds in interface FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        query - the query to select features
        The bounding envelope of the feature data; or null if the bounds are unknown or too costly to calculate.
        IOException - on any errors calculating the bounds
      • getBoundsInternal

        protected abstract ReferencedEnvelope getBoundsInternal​(Query query)
                                                         throws IOException
        Calculates the bounds of a specified query. Subclasses must implement this method. If the computation is not fast, subclasses can return null.
      • getCount

        public final int getCount​(Query query)
                           throws IOException
        Returns the count of the number of features of the feature source.

        This method calls through to getCountInternal(Query) which subclasses must implement. It also contains optimizations which check state for cached values.

        Specified by:
        getCount in interface FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        query - the query to select features
        the numer of features that would be returned by the Query; or -1 if this cannot be calculated.
        IOException - if there are errors getting the count
      • getCountInternal

        protected abstract int getCountInternal​(Query query)
                                         throws IOException
        Calculates the number of features of a specified query. Subclasses must implement this method. If the computation is not fast, it's possible to return -1.
      • handleVisitor

        protected boolean handleVisitor​(Query query,
                                        FeatureVisitor visitor)
                                 throws IOException
        Subclass method which allows subclasses to natively handle a visitor.

        Subclasses would override this method and return true in cases where the specific visitor could be handled without iterating over the entire result set of query. An example would be handling visitors that calculate aggregate values.

        query - The query being made.
        visitor - The visitor to
        true if the visitor can be handled natively, otherwise false.
      • canReproject

        protected boolean canReproject()
        Determines if the datastore can natively perform reprojection.

        If the subclass can handle reprojection natively then it should override this method to return true . In this case it must do the reprojection or throw an exception.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will case the feature reader created by the subclass to be wrapped in a reprojecting decorator when the query specifies a coordinate system reproject (using crs and crsReproject)

        To handle reprojection an implementation should:

        See Also:
      • canLimit

        protected boolean canLimit​(Query query)
        Determines if the datastore can natively limit the number of features returned in a query.

        If the subclass can handle a map feature cap natively then it should override this method to return true . In this case it must do the cap or throw an exception.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will case the feature reader created by the subclass to be wrapped in a max feature capping decorator when the query specifies a max feature cap.

        See Also:
      • canOffset

        protected boolean canOffset​(Query query)
        Determines if the datastore can natively skip the first offset number of features returned in a query.

        If the subclass can handle a map feature cap natively then it should override this method to return true . In this case it must do the cap or throw an exception.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will case the feature reader created by the subclass to be accessed offset times before being returned to the caller.

      • canFilter

        protected boolean canFilter​(Query query)
        Determines if the datastore can natively perform a filtering.

        If the subclass can handle filtering natively it should override this method to return true. In this case it must do the filtering or throw an exception. This includes the case of partial native filtering where the datastore can only handle part of the filter natively. In these cases it is up to the subclass to apply a decorator to the reader it returns which will handle any part of the filter can was not applied natively. See FilteringFeatureReader.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will cause the feature reader created by the subclass to be wrapped in a filtering feature reader when the query specifies a filter. See FilteringFeatureReader.

      • canRetype

        protected boolean canRetype​(Query query)
        Determines if the datastore can natively perform "retyping" which includes limiting the number of attributes returned and reordering of those attributes

        If the subclass can handle retyping natively it should override this method to return true. In this case it must do the retyping or throw an exception.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will cause the feature reader created by the subclass to be wrapped in a retyping feature reader when the query specifies a retype.

        See Also:
      • canSort

        protected boolean canSort​(Query query)
        Determines if the datastore can natively perform sorting.

        If the subclass can handle retyping natively it should override this method to return true. In this case it must do the retyping or throw an exception.

        Not overriding this method or returning false will cause an exception to be thrown when the query specifies sorting.

        See Also:
      • canTransact

        protected boolean canTransact()
        Determines if the store can natively manage transactions.

        If a subclass can handle transactions natively it should override this method to return true and deal with transactions on its own, including firing feature modifications events.

        true if transaction independence has custom implementation
      • canEvent

        protected boolean canEvent()
        Determines if the store takes responsibility for issuing events.

        If a subclass issue events (as part of its low level writer implementation) then it should override this method to return true.

        true if event notification has custom implementation
      • getView

        public final ContentFeatureSource getView​(Query query)
                                           throws IOException
        Creates a new feature source for the specified query.

        If the current feature source already has a defining query it is joined to the specified query.

      • joinQuery

        protected Query joinQuery​(Query query)
        Convenience method for joining a query with the definining query of the feature source.
      • resolvePropertyNames

        protected Query resolvePropertyNames​(Query query)
        This method changes the query object so that all propertyName references are resolved to simple attribute names against the schema of the feature source.

        For example, this method ensures that propertyName's such as "gml:name" are rewritten as simply "name".

      • resolvePropertyNames

        protected Filter resolvePropertyNames​(Filter filter)
        Transform provided filter; resolving property names
      • buildFeatureType

        protected abstract SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType()
                                                       throws IOException
        Creates the feature type or schema for the feature source.

        Implementations should use SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder to build the feature type. Also, the builder should be injected with the feature factory which has been set on the DataStore (see ContentDataStore.getFeatureFactory(). Example:

           SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
           b.setFeatureTypeFactory( getDataStore().getFeatureTypeFactory() );
           //build the feature type
      • buildQueryCapabilities

        protected QueryCapabilities buildQueryCapabilities()
        Builds the query capabilities for this feature source. The default implementation returns a newly built QueryCapabilities, subclasses are advised to build their own.
      • getQueryCapabilities

        public QueryCapabilities getQueryCapabilities()
        SimpleFeatureCollection optimized for read-only access.

        Available via getView( filter ):

        • getFeatures().sort( sort )
        • getFeatures( filter ).sort( sort )

        In particular this method of data access is intended for rendering and other high speed operations; care should be taken to optimize the use of FeatureVisitor.

        Specified by:
        getQueryCapabilities in interface FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        readonly access
      • setFeatureLock

        public final void setFeatureLock​(FeatureLock lock)
        Sets the feature lock of the feature store.
      • lockFeatures

        public final int lockFeatures​(Filter filter)
                               throws IOException
        Locks features specified by a filter.
      • unLockFeatures

        public final void unLockFeatures​(Filter filter)
                                  throws IOException
        Unlocks features specified by a filter.
      • canLock

        protected boolean canLock()
        Determines if the datastore can perform feature locking natively.

        If #getWriterInternal(Query, int) returns a feature writer that supports feature locking natively, it should override this method to return true .

        Not overriding this method or returning false will cause ContentFeatureStore to use the InProcessLockingManager to return a FeatureWriter that honors locks.

      • processLock

        protected FeatureLock processLock​(FeatureLock lock)
        If the subclass implements native locking, this method is invoked before the feature lock is (re)assigned to this store.
        lock - - a FeatureLock instance
        a processed FeatureLock instance