Class AncillaryFileManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AncillaryFileManager
    extends Object
    implements FileSetManager
    A class used to store any auxiliary indexing information such as the low level indexer definition as well as the datastore properties configuration specifying where to build that index.

    Since 14.x is it also possible to store the catalog into a PostGis based DB

    Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Method Detail

      • writeToDisk

        public void writeToDisk()
                         throws IOException,
        Write indexer to disk

        TODO: Need to check for thread safety

      • getCoverageName

        public Name getCoverageName​(String varName)
        Return a Name representation of the coverage name
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Dispose the Manager
      • getSlicesIndexFile

        public File getSlicesIndexFile()
      • getIndexerFile

        public File getIndexerFile()
      • getDestinationDir

        public File getDestinationDir()
      • getDatastoreIndexFile

        public File getDatastoreIndexFile()
      • addSlice

        public void addSlice​(Slice2DIndex variableIndex)
      • getCoveragesNames

        public List<Name> getCoveragesNames()
        Get the list of Names for the underlying coverage list
      • initIndexer

        protected void initIndexer()
                            throws JAXBException
        Retrieve basic indexer properties by scanning the indexer XML instance.
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName​(String coverageName)
        Returns the schema definition name for a given coverage (the schema definition name is not normally used in the database, which uses the coverage name instead)
      • acceptsVariable

        public boolean acceptsVariable​(String varName)
      • isImposedSchema

        public boolean isImposedSchema()
      • removeFile

        public void removeFile​(String filePath)
        Description copied from interface: FileSetManager
        Remove a file from the manager (An implementation may also physically remove the file)
        Specified by:
        removeFile in interface FileSetManager
      • purge

        public void purge()
        Description copied from interface: FileSetManager
        Remove all the files from the manager (An implementation may also physically remove all the files)
        Specified by:
        purge in interface FileSetManager
      • convertToHex

        public static String convertToHex​(byte[] data)
      • getParameter

        public String getParameter​(String parameterKey)
      • getParameterAsBoolean

        public boolean getParameterAsBoolean​(String parameterKey)
      • clearCache

        public static void clearCache()
        Clear the parsed configs (datastore and indexer) cache