Class GeneralGridEnvelope

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, GridEnvelope

    public class GeneralGridEnvelope
    extends Object
    implements GridEnvelope, Serializable
    Defines a range of grid coverage coordinates.

    CAUTION: ISO 19123 defines high coordinates as inclusive. We follow this specification for all getters methods, but keep in mind that this is the opposite of Java2D usage where Rectangle maximal values are exclusive. When the context is ambiguous, an explicit isHighIncluded argument is required.

    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    See Also:
    GridEnvelope2D, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(GridEnvelope envelope)
        Creates a new grid envelope as a copy of the given one.
        envelope - The grid envelope to copy.
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(Rectangle rect,
                                   int dimension)
        Constructs a multi-dimensional grid envelope defined by a Rectangle. The two first dimensions are set to the [x .. x+width-1] and [y .. y+height-1] inclusive ranges respectively. Extra dimensions (if any) are set to the [0..0] inclusive range.

        Notice that this method ensure interoperability between Raster dimensions in Java2D style and GridEnvelope dimensions in ISO 19123 style providing that the user remember to add 1 to the GridEnvelope.getHigh(int) values.

        rect - The grid coordinates as a rectangle.
        dimension - Number of dimensions for this grid envelope. Must be equals or greater than 2.
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(Rectangle rect)
        Constructs a 2D grid envelope defined by a Rectangle. The 2 dimensions are set to the [x .. x+width-1] and [y .. y+height-1] inclusive ranges respectively.

        Notice that this method ensure interoperability between Raster dimensions in Java2D style and GridEnvelope dimensions in ISO 19123 style providing that the user remember to add 1 to the GridEnvelope.getHigh(int) values.

        rect - The grid coordinates as a rectangle.
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(Raster raster,
                                   int dimension)
        Constructs multi-dimensional grid envelope defined by a Raster. The two first dimensions are set to the [x .. x+width-1] and [y .. y+height-1] inclusive ranges respectively. Extra dimensions (if any) are set to the [0..0] inclusive range.

        Notice that this method ensure interoperability between Raster dimensions in Java2D style and GridEnvelope dimensions in ISO 19123 style providing that the user remember to add 1 to the GridEnvelope.getHigh(int) values.

        raster - The raster for which to construct a grid envelope.
        dimension - Number of dimensions for this grid envelope. Must be equals or greater than 2.
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(RenderedImage image,
                                   int dimension)
        Constructs multi-dimensional grid envelope defined by a RenderedImage. The two first dimensions are set to the [x .. x+width-1] and [y .. y+height-1] inclusive ranges respectively. Extra dimensions (if any) are set to the [0..0] inclusive range.

        Notice that this method ensure interoperability between Raster dimensions in Java2D style and GridEnvelope dimensions in ISO 19123 style providing that the user remember to add 1 to the GridEnvelope.getHigh(int) values.

        image - The image for which to construct a grid envelope.
        dimension - Number of dimensions for this grid envelope. Must be equals or greater than 2.
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(Bounds envelope,
                                   PixelInCell anchor)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
        Casts the specified envelope into a grid envelope. This is sometime useful after an envelope has been transformed from "real world" coordinates to grid coordinates using the grid to CRS transform. The floating point values are rounded toward the nearest integers.

        Notice that highest values are interpreted as non-inclusive

        According OpenGIS specification, grid geometry maps pixel's center. But envelopes typically encompass all pixels. This means that grid coordinates (0,0) has an envelope starting at (-0.5, -0.5). In order to revert back such envelope to a grid envelope, it is necessary to add 0.5 to every coordinates (including the maximum value since it is exclusive in a grid envelope). This offset is applied only if anchor is PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER. Users who don't want such offset should specify PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER.

        The convention is specified as a PixelInCell code instead than the more detailed PixelOrientation because the latter is restricted to the two-dimensional case while the former can be used for any number of dimensions.

        envelope - The envelope to use for initializing this grid envelope.
        anchor - Whatever envelope coordinates map to pixel center or pixel corner. Should be PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER for OGC convention (an offset of 0.5 will be added to every envelope coordinate values), or PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER for Java2D/JAI convention (no offset will be added).
        IllegalArgumentException - If anchor is not valid.
        See Also:
        org.geotools.referencing.GeneralEnvelope#GeneralEnvelope(GridEnvelope, PixelInCell, org.geotools.api.referencing.operation.MathTransform,
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(Bounds envelope,
                                   PixelInCell anchor,
                                   boolean isHighIncluded)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
        Casts the specified envelope into a grid envelope. This is sometime useful after an envelope has been transformed from "real world" coordinates to grid coordinates using the grid to CRS transform. The floating point values are rounded toward the nearest integers.

        Note about rounding mode
        It would have been possible to round the minimal value toward floor and the maximal value toward ceil in order to make sure that the grid envelope encompass fully the envelope - like what Java2D does when converting Rectangle2D to Rectangle). But this approach may increase by 1 or 2 units the image width or height. For example the range [-0.25 ... 99.75] (which is exactly 101 units wide) would be casted to [-1 ... 100], which is 102 units wide. This leads to unexpected results when using grid envelope with image operations like "Affine". For avoiding such changes in size, it is necessary to use the same rounding mode for both minimal and maximal values. The selected rounding mode is nearest integer in this implementation.

        According OpenGIS specification, grid geometry maps pixel's center. But envelopes typically encompass all pixels. This means that grid coordinates (0,0) has an envelope starting at (-0.5, -0.5). In order to revert back such envelope to a grid envelope, it is necessary to add 0.5 to every coordinates (including the maximum value since it is exclusive in a grid envelope). This offset is applied only if anchor is PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER. Users who don't want such offset should specify PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER.

        The convention is specified as a PixelInCell code instead than the more detailed PixelOrientation because the latter is restricted to the two-dimensional case while the former can be used for any number of dimensions.

        envelope - The envelope to use for initializing this grid envelope.
        anchor - Whatever envelope coordinates map to pixel center or pixel corner. Should be PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER for OGC convention (an offset of 0.5 will be added to every envelope coordinate values), or PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER for Java2D/JAI convention (no offset will be added).
        isHighIncluded - true if the envelope maximal values are inclusive, or false if they are exclusive. This argument does not apply to minimal values, which are always inclusive.
        IllegalArgumentException - If anchor is not valid.
        See Also:
        org.geotools.referencing.GeneralEnvelope#GeneralEnvelope(GridEnvelope, PixelInCell, org.geotools.api.referencing.operation.MathTransform,
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(int[] low,
                                   int[] high,
                                   boolean isHighIncluded)
        Constructs a new grid envelope.
        low - The valid minimum inclusive grid coordinate. The array contains a minimum value (inclusive) for each dimension of the grid coverage. The lowest valid grid coordinate is often zero, but this is not mandatory.
        high - The valid maximum grid coordinate. The array contains a maximum value for each dimension of the grid coverage.
        isHighIncluded - true if the high values are inclusive (as in ISO 19123 specification), or false if they are exclusive (as in Java usage). This argument does not apply to low values, which are always inclusive.
        See Also:
        getLow(), getHigh()
      • GeneralGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope​(int[] low,
                                   int[] high)
        Constructs a new grid envelope.

        Notice that this constructor has been added for compatibility with JAVA2D, which means that the high coords are intepreted as EXCLUSIVE

        low - The valid minimum inclusive grid coordinate. The array contains a minimum value (inclusive) for each dimension of the grid coverage. The lowest valid grid coordinate is often zero, but this is not mandatory.
        high - The valid maximum grid coordinate. The array contains a maximum value for each dimension of the grid coverage.
        See Also:
        getLow(), getHigh()
    • Method Detail

      • getDimension

        public int getDimension()
        Returns the number of dimensions.
        Specified by:
        getDimension in interface GridEnvelope
        The number of dimensions.
      • getLow

        public GridCoordinates getLow()
        Returns the valid minimum inclusive grid coordinates. The sequence contains a minimum value for each dimension of the grid coverage.
        Specified by:
        getLow in interface GridEnvelope
        The minimal coordinate values for all grid points, inclusive.
      • getHigh

        public GridCoordinates getHigh()
        Returns the valid maximum inclusive grid coordinates. The sequence contains a maximum value for each dimension of the grid coverage.
        Specified by:
        getHigh in interface GridEnvelope
        The maximal coordinate values for all grid points, inclusive.
      • getLow

        public int getLow​(int dimension)
        Returns the valid minimum inclusive grid coordinate along the specified dimension.
        Specified by:
        getLow in interface GridEnvelope
        dimension - The dimension for which to obtain the coordinate value.
        The coordinate value at the given dimension, inclusive.
        See Also:
      • getHigh

        public int getHigh​(int dimension)
        Returns the valid maximum inclusive grid coordinate along the specified dimension.
        Specified by:
        getHigh in interface GridEnvelope
        dimension - The dimension for which to obtain the coordinate value.
        The coordinate value at the given dimension, inclusive.
        See Also:
      • getSpan

        public int getSpan​(int dimension)
        Returns the number of integer grid coordinates along the specified dimension. This is equals to getHigh(dimension) - getLow(dimension).
        Specified by:
        getSpan in interface GridEnvelope
        dimension - The dimension for which to obtain the coordinate value.
        The coordinate value at the given dimension.
        See Also:
        Rectangle.width, Rectangle.height
      • getSubGridEnvelope

        public GeneralGridEnvelope getSubGridEnvelope​(int lower,
                                                      int upper)
                                               throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Returns a new grid envelope that encompass only some dimensions of this grid envelope. This method copies this grid range into a new grid envelope, beginning at dimension lower and extending to dimension upper-1 inclusive. Thus the dimension of the sub grid envelope is upper - lower.
        lower - The first dimension to copy, inclusive.
        upper - The last dimension to copy, exclusive.
        The sub grid envelope.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an index is out of bounds.
      • toRectangle

        public Rectangle toRectangle()
                              throws IllegalStateException
        Returns a Rectangle with the same bounds as this GeneralGridEnvelope. This is a convenience method for interoperability with Java2D.
        A rectangle with the same bounds than this grid envelope.
        IllegalStateException - if this grid envelope is not two-dimensional.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash value for this grid envelope. This value need not remain consistent between different implementations of the same class.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares the specified object with this grid envelope for equality.
        equals in class Object
        object - The object to compare with this grid envelope for equality.
        true if the given object is equals to this grid envelope.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string représentation of this grid envelope. The returned string is implementation dependent. It is usually provided for debugging purposes.
        toString in class Object