Class TimeParser

  • @Deprecated
    public class TimeParser
    extends Object
    use #org.geotools.util.DateTimeParser instead.
    Parses the time parameter of the request. The date, time and period are expected to be formatted according ISO-8601 standard.
    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeParser

        public TimeParser()
        Creates the parser
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public List<Date> parse​(String value)
                         throws ParseException
        Parses the date given in parameter. The date format should comply to ISO-8601 standard. The string may contains either a single date, or a start time, end time and a period. In the first case, this method returns a singleton containing only the parsed date. In the second case, this method returns a list including all dates from start time up to the end time with the interval specified in the value string.
        value - The date, time and period to parse.
        A list of dates, or an empty list of the value string is null or empty.
        ParseException - if the string can not be parsed.