Class RasterManager.DomainManager

  • Enclosing class:

    public class RasterManager.DomainManager
    extends Object
    A RasterManager.DomainManager class which allows to deal with additional domains (if any) defined inside the mosaic. It provides DOMAIN_ALIAS <--to--> original attribute mapping capabilities, metadata retrieval, filter creation, and domain support check
    Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions SAS.
    • Method Detail

      • isParameterSupported

        public boolean isParameterSupported​(Identifier name)
        Check whether a specific parameter (identified by the Identifier name) is supported by this manager (and therefore, by the reader).
      • getMetadataNames

        public List<String> getMetadataNames()
        Setup the List of metadataNames for this additional domains manager
      • getMetadataValue

        public String getMetadataValue​(String name)
        Return the value of a specific metadata by parsing the requested name as a Domain Name
      • createFilter

        public Filter createFilter​(String domain,
                                   List values)
        Setup a Filter on top of the specified domainRequest which is in the form "key=value"
      • getDynamicParameters

        public Set<ParameterDescriptor<List>> getDynamicParameters()
        Return the set of dynamic parameterDescriptors (the ones related to domains) for this reader