Class ElementValueGT

    • Constructor Detail

      • ElementValueGT

        public ElementValueGT​(Element element,
                              Object value)
        Creates a new ElementValueGT object.
    • Method Detail

      • getElement

        public Element getElement()
        Description copied from interface: ElementValue
        Returns the type which generated the associated value. The type is important because it allows easy access to the xml element inheritance tree, allowing the user to test whether it is a valid data entry.
        Specified by:
        getElement in interface ElementValue
        See Also:
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Description copied from interface: ElementValue
        This returns the realized value of an element which was associated with this type. We recommend that this value be realized prior to the first request for the value (use this object to cache the result). If you do chose to implement this method lazily, consider caching the result as it may be called more than once, expecting the same result both times.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface ElementValue
        Object (may be null)
        See Also: