Class SchemaCache

  • public class SchemaCache
    extends Object
    Cache containing XML schemas. (Should also work for other file types.)

    If configured to permit downloading, schemas not present in the cache are downloaded from the network.

    Only http/https URLs are supported.

    Files are stored according to the Simple HTTP Resource Path (see {@link SchemaResolver#getSimpleHttpResourcePath(URI))}.

    Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering)
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROVIDED_CACHE_LOCATION_KEY
        Key that should be used to setup a system property that sets the location that should be used for schema cache location.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaCache

        public SchemaCache​(File directory,
                           boolean download)
        A cache of XML schemas (or other file types) rooted in the given directory, with optional downloading.
        directory - the directory in which downloaded schemas are stored
        download - is downloading of schemas permitted. If false, only schemas already present in the cache will be resolved.
      • SchemaCache

        public SchemaCache​(File directory,
                           boolean download,
                           boolean keepQuery)
        A cache of XML schemas (or other file types) rooted in the given directory, with optional downloading.
        directory - the directory in which downloaded schemas are stored
        download - is downloading of schemas permitted. If false, only schemas already present in the cache will be resolved.
        keepQuery - indicates whether or not the query components should be included in the path. If this is set to true then the query portion is converted to an MD5 message digest and that string is used to identify the file in the cache.
    • Method Detail

      • getDirectory

        public File getDirectory()
        Return the root directory of the cache.
      • getTempDirectory

        public File getTempDirectory()
        Return the temp directory for not cached downloads (those occurring during another download, to avoid conflicts among threads).
      • isDownloadAllowed

        public boolean isDownloadAllowed()
        Are schemas not already present in the cache downloaded from the network?
      • resolveLocation

        public String resolveLocation​(String location)
        Return the local file URL of a schema, downloading it if not found in the cache.
        location - the absolute http/https URL of the schema
        the canonical local file URL of the schema, or null if not found
      • buildAutomaticallyConfiguredUsingFileUrl

        public static SchemaCache buildAutomaticallyConfiguredUsingFileUrl​(URL url)
        If automatic configuration is enabled, recursively search parent directories of file url for a GeoServer data directory or directory containing an existing cache. If found, use it to create a cache in the "app-schema-cache" subdirectory with downloading enabled.
        url - a URL for a file in a GeoServer data directory.
        a cache in the "app-schema-cache" subdirectory or null if not found or automatic configuration disabled.
      • disableAutomaticConfiguration

        public static void disableAutomaticConfiguration()
        Turn off support for automatic configuration of a cache in GeoServer data directory or detection of an existing cache. Intended for testing. Automatic configuration is enabled by default.
      • enableAutomaticConfiguration

        public static void enableAutomaticConfiguration()
        The opposite of disableAutomaticConfiguration(). Automatic configuration is enabled by default.
      • isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled

        public static boolean isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled()
        Is automatic configuration enabled? Automatic configuration is enabled by default.
        See Also: