Class WMTSCapabilities

  • public class WMTSCapabilities
    extends Capabilities
    Represents a base object for a WMTS getCapabilities response.

    (Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)

    ian, Emanuele Tajariol (etj at geo-solutions dot it), Matthias Schulze (LDBV at ldbv dot bayern dot de)
    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        public static final Logger LOGGER
    • Method Detail

      • getLayerList

        public List<WMTSLayer> getLayerList()
        Access a flat view of the layers available in the WMTS.
        Unmodifiable List of all available layers
      • getRequest

        public WMTSRequest getRequest()
        The request contains information about possible Requests that can be made against this server, including URLs and formats.
        Returns the request.
      • setRequest

        public void setRequest​(WMTSRequest request)
        request - The request to set.
      • getExceptions

        public String[] getExceptions()
        Exceptions declare what kind of formats this server can return exceptions in. They are used during subsequent requests.
      • setExceptions

        public void setExceptions​(String[] exceptions)
      • getMatrixSets

        public List<TileMatrixSet> getMatrixSets()
        An unmodifiable list of MatrixSets
      • setMatrixSets

        public void setMatrixSets​(List<TileMatrixSet> matrixes)
        Clears all matrixSet's and populates with the list
      • getLayer

        public WMTSLayer getLayer​(String name)
        name - of the layer
        the WMTS layer