Class ImageAssert

  • public class ImageAssert
    extends Object
    Compares two images using perceptual criterias: the assertions will fail if the images would look different to a human being.
    Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageAssert

        public ImageAssert()
    • Method Detail

      • assertEquals

        public static void assertEquals​(File expectedFile,
                                        RenderedImage actualImage,
                                        int threshold)
                                 throws IOException
        Checks the image in the reference file and the actual image are equals from a human perception p.o.v
      • assertEquals

        public static void assertEquals​(RenderedImage expectedImage,
                                        RenderedImage actualImage,
                                        int threshold)
        Checks the expected image and the actual image are equals from a human perception p.o.v