Class GMLSchema

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static FeatureType ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE  
      <complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation> This abstract base type for geometry collections just makes the srsName attribute mandatory.
      static AttributeType ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType"> <annotation> <documentation> All geometry elements are derived from this abstract supertype; a geometry element may have an identifying attribute (gid).
      static AttributeType BOUNDINGSHAPETYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="BoundingShapeType"> <annotation> <documentation> Bounding shapes--a Box or a null element are currently allowed.
      static AttributeType BOXTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="BoxType"> <annotation> <documentation> The Box structure defines an extent using a pair of coordinate tuples.
      static AttributeType COORDINATESTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="CoordinatesType"> <annotation> <documentation> Coordinates can be included in a single string, but there is no facility for validating string content.
      static AttributeType COORDTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="CoordType"> <annotation> <documentation> Represents a coordinate tuple in one, two, or three dimensions.
      <complexType name="FeatureAssociationType"> <annotation> <documentation> An instance of this type (e.g. a featureMember) can either enclose or point to a feature (or feature collection); this type can be restricted in an application schema to allow only specified features as valid participants in the association.
      <complexType name="GeometryAssociationType"> <annotation> <documentation> An instance of this type (e.g. a geometryMember) can either enclose or point to a primitive geometry element.
      <complexType name="GeometryCollectionType"> <annotation> <documentation> A geometry collection must include one or more geometries, referenced through geometryMember elements.
      static AttributeType GEOMETRYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="GeometryPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> A simple geometry property encapsulates a geometry element.
      static AttributeType LINEARRINGMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="LinearRingMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>Restricts the outer or inner boundary of a polygon instance to being a LinearRing.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType"> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:LinearRing"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
      static AttributeType LINEARRINGTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="LinearRingType"> <annotation> <documentation> A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates must be coincident.
      static AttributeType LINESTRINGMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="LineStringMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a LineString instance.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType"> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:LineString"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
      <complexType name="LineStringPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a single LineString to represent centerLineOf or edgeOf properties.
      static AttributeType LINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="LineStringType"> <annotation> <documentation> A LineString is defined by two or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them.
      <complexType name="MultiGeometryPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>Encapsulates a MultiGeometry element.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType"> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:MultiGeometry"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/> <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
      <complexType name="MultiLineStringPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a MultiLineString element to represent the following discontiguous geometric properties: multiEdgeOf, multiCenterLineOf.
      static AttributeType MULTILINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="MultiLineStringType"> <annotation> <documentation> A MultiLineString is defined by one or more LineStrings, referenced through lineStringMember elements.
      <complexType name="MultiPointPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a MultiPoint element to represent the following discontiguous geometric properties: multiLocation, multiPosition, multiCenterOf.
      static AttributeType MULTIPOINTTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="MultiPointType"> <annotation> <documentation> A MultiPoint is defined by one or more Points, referenced through pointMember elements.
      <complexType name="MultiPolygonPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a MultiPolygon to represent the following discontiguous geometric properties: multiCoverage, multiExtentOf.
      static AttributeType MULTIPOLYGONTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="MultiPolygonType"> <annotation> <documentation> A MultiPolygon is defined by one or more Polygons, referenced through polygonMember elements.
      static AttributeType NULLTYPE_TYPE
      <simpleType name="NullType"> <annotation> <documentation> If a bounding shape is not provided for a feature collection, explain why.
      static AttributeType POINTMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PointMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a Point instance.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType"> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:Point"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
      static AttributeType POINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PointPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a single point to represent position, location, or centerOf properties.
      static AttributeType POINTTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PointType"> <annotation> <documentation> A Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple.
      static AttributeType POLYGONMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PolygonMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a Polygon instance.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType"> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:Polygon"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
      static AttributeType POLYGONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PolygonPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation> Encapsulates a single polygon to represent coverage or extentOf properties.
      static AttributeType POLYGONTYPE_TYPE
      <complexType name="PolygonType"> <annotation> <documentation> A Polygon is defined by an outer boundary and zero or more inner boundaries which are in turn defined by LinearRings.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Field Detail


        public static final AttributeType ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType">
                  All geometry elements are derived from this abstract supertype;
                  a geometry element may have an identifying attribute (gid).
                  It may be associated with a spatial reference system.
                  <restriction base="anyType">
                      <attribute name="gid" type="ID" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute name="srsName" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType ABSTRACTGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONBASETYPE_TYPE
          <complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType">
                  This abstract base type for geometry collections just makes the
                  srsName attribute mandatory.
                  <restriction base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                      <attribute name="gid" type="ID" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute name="srsName" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

        public static final AttributeType GEOMETRYASSOCIATIONTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="GeometryAssociationType">
                  An instance of this type (e.g. a geometryMember) can either
                  enclose or point to a primitive geometry element. When serving
                  as a simple link that references a remote geometry instance,
                  the value of the gml:remoteSchema attribute can be used to
                  locate a schema fragment that constrains the target instance.
              <sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <element ref="gml:_Geometry"/>
              <!-- <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> -->
              <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
              <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="GeometryCollectionType">
                  A geometry collection must include one or more geometries, referenced
                  through geometryMember elements. User-defined geometry collections
                  that accept GML geometry classes as members must instantiate--or
                  derive from--this type.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType">
                          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:geometryMember"/>

        public static final AttributeType COORDTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="CoordType">
                  Represents a coordinate tuple in one, two, or three dimensions.
                  <element name="X" type="decimal"/>
                  <element minOccurs="0" name="Y" type="decimal"/>
                  <element minOccurs="0" name="Z" type="decimal"/>

        public static final AttributeType COORDINATESTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="CoordinatesType">
                  Coordinates can be included in a single string, but there is no
                  facility for validating string content. The value of the 'cs' attribute
                  is the separator for coordinate values, and the value of the 'ts'
                  attribute gives the tuple separator (a single space by default); the
                  default values may be changed to reflect local usage.
                  <extension base="string">
                      <attribute default="." name="decimal" type="string" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute default="," name="cs" type="string" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute default=" " name="ts" type="string" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType LINEARRINGTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="LinearRingType">
                  A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with
                  linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates
                  must be coincident.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                              <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="4" ref="gml:coord"/>
                              <element ref="gml:coordinates"/>

        public static final AttributeType LINEARRINGMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="LinearRingMemberType">
                  <documentation>Restricts the outer or inner boundary of a polygon instance
                      to being a LinearRing.</documentation>
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:LinearRing"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

        public static final AttributeType POLYGONTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PolygonType">
                  A Polygon is defined by an outer boundary and zero or more inner
                  boundaries which are in turn defined by LinearRings.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                          <element ref="gml:outerBoundaryIs"/>
                          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:innerBoundaryIs"/>

        public static final AttributeType POLYGONMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PolygonMemberType">
                  <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a Polygon instance.</documentation>
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:Polygon"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTIPOLYGONTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiPolygonType">
                  A MultiPolygon is defined by one or more Polygons, referenced through
                  polygonMember elements.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryCollectionType">
                          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:polygonMember"/>
                      <attribute name="gid" type="ID" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute name="srsName" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTIPOLYGONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiPolygonPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a MultiPolygon to represent the following discontiguous
                  geometric properties: multiCoverage, multiExtentOf.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:MultiPolygon"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTIGEOMETRYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiGeometryPropertyType">
                  <documentation>Encapsulates a MultiGeometry element.</documentation>
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:MultiGeometry"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType LINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="LineStringType">
                  A LineString is defined by two or more coordinate tuples, with
                  linear interpolation between them.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                              <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="2" ref="gml:coord"/>
                              <element ref="gml:coordinates"/>

        public static final AttributeType LINESTRINGMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="LineStringMemberType">
                  <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a LineString instance.</documentation>
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:LineString"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTILINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiLineStringType">
                  A MultiLineString is defined by one or more LineStrings, referenced
                  through lineStringMember elements.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryCollectionType">
                          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:lineStringMember"/>
                      <attribute name="gid" type="ID" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute name="srsName" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTILINESTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiLineStringPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a MultiLineString element to represent the following
                  discontiguous geometric properties: multiEdgeOf, multiCenterLineOf.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:MultiLineString"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType BOXTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="BoxType">
                  The Box structure defines an extent using a pair of coordinate tuples.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                              <element maxOccurs="2" minOccurs="2" ref="gml:coord"/>
                              <element ref="gml:coordinates"/>

        public static final AttributeType NULLTYPE_TYPE
          <simpleType name="NullType">
                  If a bounding shape is not provided for a feature collection,
                  explain why. Allowable values are:
                  innapplicable - the features do not have geometry
                  unknown - the boundingBox cannot be computed
                  unavailable - there may be a boundingBox but it is not divulged
                  missing - there are no features
              <restriction base="string">
                  <enumeration value="inapplicable"/>
                  <enumeration value="unknown"/>
                  <enumeration value="unavailable"/>
                  <enumeration value="missing"/>

        public static final AttributeType BOUNDINGSHAPETYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="BoundingShapeType">
                  Bounding shapes--a Box or a null element are currently allowed.
                      <element ref="gml:Box"/>
                      <element name="null" type="gml:NullType"/>

        public static final FeatureType ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE

        public static final FeatureType ABSTRACTFEATURECOLLECTIONBASETYPE_TYPE

        public static final AttributeType FEATUREASSOCIATIONTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="FeatureAssociationType">
                  An instance of this type (e.g. a featureMember) can either
                  enclose or point to a feature (or feature collection); this
                  type can be restricted in an application schema to allow only
                  specified features as valid participants in the association.
                  When serving as a simple link that references a remote feature
                  instance, the value of the gml:remoteSchema attribute can be
                  used to locate a schema fragment that constrains the target
              <sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <element ref="gml:_Feature"/>
              <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
              <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final FeatureType ABSTRACTFEATURECOLLECTIONTYPE_TYPE

        public static final AttributeType GEOMETRYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="GeometryPropertyType">
                  A simple geometry property encapsulates a geometry element.
                  Alternatively, it can function as a pointer (simple-type link)
                  that refers to a remote geometry element.
              <sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <element ref="gml:_Geometry"/>
              <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
              <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType POLYGONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PolygonPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a single polygon to represent coverage or extentOf
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:Polygon"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType POINTTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PointType">
                  A Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple.
                  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
                              <element ref="gml:coord"/>
                              <element ref="gml:coordinates"/>

        public static final AttributeType POINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PointPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a single point to represent position, location, or
                  centerOf properties.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:Point"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType POINTMEMBERTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="PointMemberType">
                  <documentation>Restricts the geometry member to being a Point instance.</documentation>
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:Point"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTIPOINTTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiPointType">
                  A MultiPoint is defined by one or more Points, referenced through
                  pointMember elements.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryCollectionType">
                          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:pointMember"/>
                      <attribute name="gid" type="ID" use="optional"/>
                      <attribute name="srsName" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

        public static final AttributeType MULTIPOINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="MultiPointPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a MultiPoint element to represent the following
                  discontiguous geometric properties: multiLocation, multiPosition,
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:MultiPoint"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>

        public static final AttributeType LINESTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
          <complexType name="LineStringPropertyType">
                  Encapsulates a single LineString to represent centerLineOf or
                  edgeOf properties.
                  <restriction base="gml:GeometryAssociationType">
                      <sequence minOccurs="0">
                          <element ref="gml:LineString"/>
                      <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
                      <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>
    • Constructor Detail

      • GMLSchema

        public GMLSchema()
    • Method Detail

      • profile

        public ProfileImpl profile()
        Profile of GMLSchema capturing a unique mapping of Java classes.

        This profile mostly matches to JTS Geometry classes.

        Subset of GMLSchema capturing a unique mapping of Java classes