Class JAboutDialog

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

    public class JAboutDialog
    extends AbstractSimpleDialog
    An 'About' dialog which displays information about the host environment, software licenses pertaining to GeoTools (not implemented yet) and, if provided, summary details about your application.

    Environment information is obtained from GeoTools.getEnvironmentInfo() and consists of:

    • GeoTools version
    • Java version
    • Host operating system and version
    The GeoTools jar listing is obtained from GeoTools.getGeoToolsJarInfo() and consists of GeoTools jars (of the active version) on the application's class path.

    To have the dialog display details of your own application, you pass them as a String to the dialog constructor as in this example:

     final String appInfo = String.format(
               "GeoFoo: Map your foos in real time %nVersion 0.0.1");
     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    Michael Bedward
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • JAboutDialog

        public JAboutDialog()
        Creates a new dialog to display environment information but no application details.
      • JAboutDialog

        public JAboutDialog​(String title)
        Creates a new dialog to display environment information but no application details.
        title - dialog title
      • JAboutDialog

        public JAboutDialog​(String title,
                            String applicationInfo)
        Creates a new dialog to display environment information together with application details.
        title - dialog title
        applicationInfo - the application information to display