Class FactoryDependencies

  • public class FactoryDependencies
    extends Object
    Build a tree of factory dependencies.
    Martin Desruisseaux
    • Constructor Detail

      • FactoryDependencies

        public FactoryDependencies​(Factory factory)
        Creates a new dependency tree for the specified factory.
    • Method Detail

      • isColorEnabled

        public boolean isColorEnabled()
        Returns true if syntax coloring is enabled. Syntax coloring is disabled by default.
      • setColorEnabled

        public void setColorEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enables or disables syntax coloring on ANSI X3.64 (aka ECMA-48 and ISO/IEC 6429) compatible terminal. By default, syntax coloring is disabled.
      • isAttributeEnabled

        public boolean isAttributeEnabled()
        Returns true if attributes are to be printed. By default, attributes are not printed.
      • setAttributeEnabled

        public void setAttributeEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enables or disables the addition of attributes after factory names. Attributes are labels like "crs", "datum", etc. put between parenthesis. They give indications on the services implemented by the factory (e.g. CRSAuthorityFactory, DatumAuthorityFactory, etc.).
      • print

        public void print​(PrintWriter out)
        Prints the dependencies as a tree to the specified printer.
      • print

        public void print​(Writer out)
                   throws IOException
        Prints the dependencies as a tree to the specified writer.
        out - The writer where to print the tree.
        IOException - if an error occured while writting to the stream.
      • asTree

        public TreeNode asTree()
        Returns the dependencies as a tree.