Class IntersectUtils

  • public class IntersectUtils
    extends Object
    Performs some naive intersections on GeometryCollections, because JTS is not supporting them.
    Emanuele Tajariol (GeoSolutions)
    • Constructor Detail

      • IntersectUtils

        public IntersectUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • intersects

        public static boolean intersects​(Geometry g1,
                                         Geometry g2)
        Tests whether the two geometries intersect.

        This method relies completely on Geometry.intersects(Geometry) but also tries to unroll GeometryCollections.

        true if the two geometries intersect.
      • intersection

        public static Geometry intersection​(Geometry g1,
                                            Geometry g2)
        Return the intersection of two Geometries.
        This method relies completely on Geometry.intersection(Geometry) but also tries to unroll GeometryCollections.
        true if the two geometries intersect.
      • unrollGeometries

        public static Geometry unrollGeometries​(Geometry geometry)
                                         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Flatten all first-level (i.e. non recursively) bundles (GeometryCollections and MultiPolygons) into a GeometryCollection.
        Valid structures:
        • null -> null
        • Polygon -> Polygon
        • MultiPolygon -> GeometryCollection of Polygons
        • GeometryCollection holding Polygons and MultiPolygons -> GeometryCollection of Polygons
        IllegalArgumentException - when encountering illegal Geometries; message is the Geometry class name.