Class ArcGridFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ArcGridFormat
    extends AbstractGridFormat
    implements Format
    An implementation a Format for the ASCII grid ESRI and GRASS format.
    Daniele Romagnoli, Simone Giannecchini (simboss)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArcGridFormat

        public ArcGridFormat()
        Creates an instance and sets the metadata.
    • Method Detail

      • getReader

        public ArcGridReader getReader​(Object source)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGridFormat
        Gets a GridCoverageReader for this format able to create coverages out of the source object.

        In case this Format cannot reader the provided source object null is returned.

        Specified by:
        getReader in class AbstractGridFormat
        source - The source object to parse.
        A reader for this Format or null.
        See Also: source)
      • getWriter

        public GridCoverageWriter getWriter​(Object destination)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGridFormat
        Retrieves a GridCoverageWriter suitable for writing to the provided destination with this format.

        In case no writers are available null is returned.

        Specified by:
        getWriter in class AbstractGridFormat
        destination - The destinatin where to write.
        A GridCoverageWriter suitable for writing to the provided destination with this format.
        See Also: destination)
      • getWriter

        public GridCoverageWriter getWriter​(Object destination,
                                            Hints hints)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGridFormat
        Call the accepts() method before asking for a writer to determine if the current object is supported.
        Specified by:
        getWriter in class AbstractGridFormat
        destination - the destination object to write a WorldImage to
        hints - Hints to control the internal machinery.
        a new WorldImageWriter for the destination
        See Also: destination,Hints hints)
      • accepts

        public boolean accepts​(Object input,
                               Hints hints)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGridFormat
        Tells me if this Format can read the provided input.
        Specified by:
        accepts in class AbstractGridFormat
        input - The input object to test for suitability.
        hints - Hints to control the accepts internal machinery.
        True if this format can read this object, False otherwise.
        See Also: input)
      • getReader

        public ArcGridReader getReader​(Object source,
                                       Hints hints)
        Description copied from class: AbstractGridFormat
        Gets a GridCoverageReader for this format able to create coverages out of the source object using the provided hints.

        In case this Format cannot reader the provided source object null is returned.

        Specified by:
        getReader in class AbstractGridFormat
        source - The source object to parse. *
        hints - The Hints to use when trying to instantiate this reader.
        A reader for this Format or null.
        See Also:, Hints)