AbstractHSLFunction |
Base for lesscss.org HSL color manipulation functions
ConstrastFunction |
Contrast lesscss.org color function.
DarkenFunction |
Implements the lesscss.org darken function
DesaturateFunction |
Implements the lesscss.org desaturate function
GrayscaleFunction |
Tint lesscss.org color function.
HSLColor |
Support class for color functions, represents a color in HSL space (based on
HSLFunction |
hsl lesscss.org color function.
LightenFunction |
Implements the lesscss.org lighten function
MixFunction |
Mix lesscss.org color function.
SaturateFunction |
Implements the lesscss.org saturate function
ShadeFunction |
Shade lesscss.org color function.
SpinFunction |
Mix lesscss.org color function.
TintFunction |
Tint lesscss.org color function.