AbstractComplexBinding |
Base class for complex bindings.
AbstractComplexEMFBinding |
Base class for complex bindings which map to an EMF model class.
AbstractSimpleBinding |
Base class for simple bindings.
ComplexEMFBinding |
A binding implementation which parses / encodes objects from an EMF model.
Configuration |
Responsible for configuring a parser runtime environment.
DOMParser |
Parses a DOM (Document Object Model) using the geotools xml binding system.
EMFUtils |
Utility methods for working with emf model objects.
Encoder |
Encodes objects as xml based on a schema.
EnumSimpleBinding |
Parses a simple type into an exiting enum.
OptionalComponentParameter |
A pico container "parameter" which allows one to make setter injection optional.
Parser |
GeoTools XML parser.
ParserNamespaceSupport |
NamespaceSupport implementation that allows additional NamespaceSupport objects to be part of the look up process.
PullParser |
XML pull parser capable of streaming.
SchemaLocationResolver |
Resolves a physical schema location from a namespace uri.
SchemaLocator |
Helper class which ensures that the xsd schema parser uses pre-build schema objects.
Schemas |
Utility class for performing various operations.
SimpleContentComplexEMFBinding |
A binding implementation which handles the case of a complex type with simple content.
StreamingParser |
XML parser capable of streaming.
Text |
Represents text encountered in the parse tree.
TextInstance |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the
http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace schema.
XMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace schema.
Xml Schema for a particular namespace.
XSDParserDelegate |
Parser delegate which which uses the xsd framework to parse.