Class JTSFactoryFinder

    • Method Detail

      • getGeometryFactories

        public static Set<GeometryFactory> getGeometryFactories()
        Returns a set of all available implementations for the GeometryFactory category.
        Set of available geometry factory implementations.
      • getPrecisionModel

        public static PrecisionModel getPrecisionModel​(Hints hints)
                                                throws FactoryRegistryException
        Returns the first implementation of PrecisionModel matching the specified hints. If no implementation matches, a new one is created if possible or an exception is thrown otherwise.
        hints - An optional map of hints, or null if none.
        The first precision model that matches the supplied hints.
        FactoryRegistryException - if no implementation was found or can be created for the PrecisionModel category and the given hints.
      • getPrecisionModels

        public static Set<PrecisionModel> getPrecisionModels()
        Returns a set of all available implementations for the PrecisionModel category.
        Set of available precision model implementations.
      • getCoordinateSequenceFactories

        public static Set<CoordinateSequenceFactory> getCoordinateSequenceFactories()
        Returns a set of all available implementations for the CoordinateSequenceFactory interface.
        Set of available coordinate sequence factory implementations.
      • scanForPlugins

        public static void scanForPlugins()
        Scans for factory plug-ins on the application class path. This method is needed because the application class path can theoretically change, or additional plug-ins may become available. Rather than re-scanning the classpath on every invocation of the API, the class path is scanned automatically only on the first invocation. Clients can call this method to prompt a re-scan. Thus this method need only be invoked by sophisticated applications which dynamically make new plug-ins available at runtime.