Class SimpleFeatureTypeImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getTypes

        public List<AttributeType> getTypes()
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the types of all the attributes which make up the feature.

        This method is convenience for:

         List types = new ArrayList();
         for (Property p : getProperties()) {
         return types;
        Specified by:
        getTypes in interface SimpleFeatureType
        The list of attribute types.
      • getType

        public AttributeType getType​(Name name)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the type of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeType) getProperty(name).getType();

        If there is no such attribute which matches name, null is returned.

        Specified by:
        getType in interface SimpleFeatureType
        name - The name of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type matching the specified name, or null.
      • getType

        public AttributeType getType​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the type of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeType) getProperty(name).getType();

        If there is no such attribute which matches name, null is returned.

        Specified by:
        getType in interface SimpleFeatureType
        name - The name of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type matching the specified name, or null.
      • getType

        public AttributeType getType​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the type of the attribute at the specified index.

        This method is convenience for:

           return (AttributeType)((List)getProperties()).get(index)).getType();
        Specified by:
        getType in interface SimpleFeatureType
        index - The index of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type at the specified index.
      • getDescriptor

        public AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the attribute descriptor at the specified index.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeDescriptor) ((List) getProperties()).get(index);
        Specified by:
        getDescriptor in interface SimpleFeatureType
        index - The index of the descriptor to return.
        The attribute descriptor at the specified index.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(Name name)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the index of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        -1 is returned in the instance there is no attribute matching the specified name.

        Specified by:
        indexOf in interface SimpleFeatureType
        name - The name of the attribute whose index to return.
        index of named attribute, or -1 if not found.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the index of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        -1 is returned in the instance there is no attribute matching the specified name.

        Specified by:
        indexOf in interface SimpleFeatureType
        name - The name of the attribute whose index to return.
        index of named attribute, or -1 if not found.
      • getAttributeCount

        public int getAttributeCount()
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        Returns the number of attributes composing the feature type

        This method is convenience for getAttributes().size().

        Specified by:
        getAttributeCount in interface SimpleFeatureType
        The number of attributes.
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Description copied from interface: SimpleFeatureType
        The local name for this FeatureType.

        Specifically this method returns getName().getLocalPart().

        Specified by:
        getTypeName in interface SimpleFeatureType
        The local name for this FeatureType.