Class DataSourceUtil

  • public class DataSourceUtil
    extends Object
    Utility methods to build a default connection pool
    Andrea Aime - TOPP
    • Method Detail

      • buildDefaultDataSource

        public static ManageableDataSource buildDefaultDataSource​(String url,
                                                                  String driverName,
                                                                  String username,
                                                                  String password,
                                                                  String validationQuery)
                                                           throws DataSourceException
        Builds up a default DBCP DataSource that easy to use connection factories can use to setup a connection pool.
        url - the jdbc url
        driverName - the jdbc driver full qualified class name
        validationQuery - the validation query to be used for connection liveliness on borrow, or null, if no check is to be performed
      • buildDefaultDataSource

        public static ManageableDataSource buildDefaultDataSource​(String url,
                                                                  String driverName,
                                                                  String username,
                                                                  String password,
                                                                  int maxActive,
                                                                  int minIdle,
                                                                  String validationQuery,
                                                                  boolean cachePreparedStatements,
                                                                  int removeAbandonedTimeout)
                                                           throws DataSourceException
        Builds up a default DBCP DataSource that easy to use connection factories can use to setup a connection pool.
        url - the jdbc url
        driverName - the jdbc driver full qualified class name
        maxActive - maximum number of concurrent connections in the pool
        minIdle - minimum number of concurrent connections in the pool
        validationQuery - the validation query to be used for connection liveliness on borrow, or null, if no check is to be performed
        cachePreparedStatements - wheter to cache prepared statements or not