Interface TemporalFactory

  • public interface TemporalFactory
    GeoAPI 2.3
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Guilhem Legal (Geomatys), Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
    • Method Detail

      • createCalendar

        Calendar createCalendar​(ReferenceIdentifier name,
                                Extent domainOfValidit)
        name - : This is a name that uniquely identifies the temporal reference system.
      • createCalendarDate

        CalendarDate createCalendarDate​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                        IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                        InternationalString calendarEraName,
                                        int[] calendarDate)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        calendarEraName - : This is the name of the calendar era to which the date is referenced.
        calendarDate - : This is a sequence of positive integers in which the first integeridentifies a specific instance of the unit used at the highest level of the calendar hierarchy, the second integer identifies a specific instance of the unit used at the next lower level in the hierarchy, and so on. The format defined in ISO 8601 for dates in the Gregorian calendar may be used for any date that is composed of values for year, month and day.
      • createCalendarEra

        CalendarEra createCalendarEra​(InternationalString name,
                                      InternationalString referenceEvent,
                                      CalendarDate referenceDate,
                                      JulianDate julianReference,
                                      Period epochOfUse)
        name - : identify the calendar era within this calendar.
        referenceEvent - : provide the name or description of a mythical or historic event which fixes the position of the base scale of the calendar era.
        referenceDate - : provide the date of the reference referenceEvent expressed as a date in the given calendar. In most calendars, this date is the origin (i.e the first day) of the scale, but this is not always true.
        julianReference - : provide the Julian date that corresponds to the reference date.
        epochOfUse - : identify the TM_Period for which the calendar era was used as a basis for dating, the datatype for TM_Period.begin and Tm_Period.end shall be JulianDate.
      • createClock

        Clock createClock​(ReferenceIdentifier name,
                          Extent domainOfValidity,
                          InternationalString referenceEvent,
                          ClockTime referenceTime,
                          ClockTime utcReference)
        name - : This is a name that uniquely identifies the temporal reference system.
        referenceEvent - : Provide the name or description of an event, such as solar noon or sunrise.
        referenceTime - : Provide the time of day associated with the reference event expressed as a time of day in the given clock, the reference time is usually the origin of the clock scale.
        utcReference - : This is the 24-hour local or UTC time that corresponds to the reference time.
      • createClockTime

        ClockTime createClockTime​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                  IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                  Number... clockTime)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        clockTime - : This is a sequence of positive numbers with a structure similar to a CalendarDate.
      • createDateAndTime

        DateAndTime createDateAndTime​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                      IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                      InternationalString calendarEraName,
                                      int[] calendarDate,
                                      Number[] clockTime)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        calendarEraName - : This is the name of the calendar era to which the date is referenced.
        calendarDate - : This is a sequence of positive integers in which the first integeridentifies a specific instance of the unit used at the highest level of the calendar hierarchy, the second integer identifies a specific instance of the unit used at the next lower level in the hierarchy, and so on. The format defined in ISO 8601 for dates in the Gregorian calendar may be used for any date that is composed of values for year, month and day.
        clockTime - : This is a sequence of positive numbers with a structure similar to a CalendarDate.
      • createInstant

        Instant createInstant​(Position instant)
        instant - : This is the position of this TM_Instant, it shall be associated with a single temporal reference system.
      • createIntervalLenght

        IntervalLength createIntervalLenght​(Unit unit,
                                            int radix,
                                            int factor,
                                            int value)
        unit - : This is the name of the unit of measure used to express the length of the interval.
        radix - : This is the base of the multiplier of the unit.
        factor - : This is the exponent of the base.
        value - : This is the length of the time interval as an integer multiple of one radix(exp -factor) of the specified unit.
      • createJulianDate

        JulianDate createJulianDate​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                    IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                    Number coordinateValue)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        coordinateValue - : This is the distance from the scale origin expressed as a multiple of the standard interval associated with the temporal coordinate system.
      • createOrdinalEra

        OrdinalEra createOrdinalEra​(InternationalString name,
                                    Date beginning,
                                    Date end,
                                    Collection<OrdinalEra> composition)
        name - : This is a string that identifies the ordinal era within the TM_OrdinalReferenceSystem.
        beginning - : This is the temporal position at which the ordinal era began, if it is known.
        end - : This is the temporal position at which the ordinal era ended.
      • createOrdinalPosition

        OrdinalPosition createOrdinalPosition​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                              IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                              OrdinalEra ordinalPosition)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        ordinalPosition - : This is a reference to the ordinal era in which the instant occurs.
      • createOrdinalReferenceSystem

        OrdinalReferenceSystem createOrdinalReferenceSystem​(ReferenceIdentifier name,
                                                            Extent domainOfValidity,
                                                            Collection<OrdinalEra> ordinalEraSequence)
        name - : This is a name that uniquely identifies the temporal reference system.
        ordinalEraSequence - : An ordinal temporal reference system consists of a set of ordinal eras.
      • createPeriod

        Period createPeriod​(Instant begin,
                            Instant end)
        begin - : This is the TM_Instant at which this Period starts.
        end - : This is the TM_Instant at which this Period ends.
      • createPosition

        Position createPosition​(Date position)
        position - : this object represents one of the data types listed as : Date, Time, DateTime, and TemporalPosition with its subtypes
      • createTemporalCoordinate

        TemporalCoordinate createTemporalCoordinate​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                                    IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition,
                                                    Number coordinateValue)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
        coordinateValue - : This is the distance from the scale origin expressed as a multiple of the standard interval associated with the temporal coordinate system.
      • createTemporalCoordinateSystem

        TemporalCoordinateSystem createTemporalCoordinateSystem​(ReferenceIdentifier name,
                                                                Extent domainOfValidity,
                                                                Date origin,
                                                                InternationalString interval)
        name - : This is a name that uniquely identifies the temporal reference system.
        origin - : The origin of the scale, it must be specified in the Gregorian calendar with time of day in UTC.
        interval - : The name of a single unit of measure used as the base interval for the scale. it shall be one of those units of measure for time specified by ISO 31-1, or a multiple of one of those units, as specified by ISO 1000.
      • createTemporalPosition

        TemporalPosition createTemporalPosition​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                                IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition)
        frame - : This is the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        indeterminatePosition - : This attribute provides the only value for TM_TemporalPosition unless a subtype of TM_TemporalPosition is used as the data type.
      • createTemporalReferenceSystem

        TemporalReferenceSystem createTemporalReferenceSystem​(ReferenceIdentifier name,
                                                              Extent domainOfValidity)
        name - : This is a name that uniquely identifies the temporal reference system.