AutoGeneratedPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key whose values are auto generated by the database.
BasicSQLDialect |
ColumnMetadata |
Metadata about a table column used to carry information through the type mapping process.
CompositePrimaryKeyFinder |
EnumMapper |
Helper class for enums mapped between integers and strings.
EscapeSql |
Perform basic SQL validation on input string.
HeuristicPrimaryKeyFinder |
Looks up the primary key using the DatabaseMetaData for the specified table, looking both for primary keys
and unique indexes.
Index |
Represents a database index
JDBCClosingFeatureReader |
JDBCClosingFeatureWriter |
JDBCDataStore |
Datastore implementation for jdbc based relational databases.
JDBCDataStoreFactory |
Abstract implementation of DataStoreFactory for jdbc datastores.
JDBCFeatureReader |
Reader for jdbc datastore
JDBCFeatureSource |
JDBCFeatureStore |
FeatureStore implementation for jdbc based relational database tables.
JDBCInsertFeatureWriter |
Inserts features in the database.
JDBCJNDIDataStoreFactory |
Abstract implementation of DataStoreFactory for jdbc datastores which obtain a JNDI connection.
JDBCJoiningFeatureReader |
Feature reader that wraps multiple feature readers in a join query.
JDBCJoiningFilteringFeatureReader |
Feature reader that wraps multiple feature readers in a joining / post filtered query.
JDBCState |
State for jdbc datastore providing additional cached values such as primary key and database connection.
JDBCUpdateFeatureWriter |
JDBCUpdateInsertFeatureWriter |
JoinId |
Id filter that knows what feature type it comes from.
JoinInfo |
Holds information about a join query.
JoinInfo.JoinPart |
JoinInfo.JoinQualifier |
JoinPropertyName |
Property name that knows what feature type it comes from.
LifecycleConnectionUnWrapper |
Un-wraps the LifecycleConnection instances
MetadataTablePrimaryKeyFinder |
Looks up primary key information in a metadata table provided by the user.
NonIncrementingPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key which is not auto incrementing.
NullPrimaryKey |
Primary key for tables which do not have a primary key.
PreparedFilterToSQL |
Extension of FilterToSQL intended for use with prepared statements.
PreparedStatementSQLDialect |
SQL dialect which uses prepared statements for database interaction.
PrimaryKey |
Primary key of a table.
PrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column in a primary key.
PrimaryKeyFIDValidator |
Fid validator which validates with respect to a primary key.
PrimaryKeyFinder |
RegexpValidator |
A regular expression based validator
SequencedPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key which has an associated sequence used to generate its values.
SessionCommandsListener |
SQLDialect |
The driver used by JDBCDataStore to directly communicate with the database.
VirtualTable |
Describes a virtual table, that is, a feature type created starting from a generic SQL query.
VirtualTableParameter |