Class Generalization

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Generalization
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<Generalization>
    Christian Mueller

    This class holds info for one generalization

    distance the distance used in generalization featureName the name of the feature geomPropertyName the name of the geometry property in the feature dataSourceName the name of the datasource dataSourceNameSpace the namespace of the datasource, may be null

    • Method Detail

      • getDistance

        public Double getDistance()
      • getFeatureName

        public String getFeatureName()
      • getGeomPropertyName

        public String getGeomPropertyName()
      • getDataSourceName

        public String getDataSourceName()
      • setDataSourceName

        public void setDataSourceName​(String dataSourceName)
      • getDataSourceNameSpace

        public String getDataSourceNameSpace()
      • setDataSourceNameSpace

        public void setDataSourceNameSpace​(String namespace)
      • validate

        public void validate()
                      throws IOException
        Validates not null instance variables
        IOException - if data source, feature name or geometry property name is null