Interface MultiLevelROI

    • Method Detail

      • getTransformedROI

        ROI getTransformedROI​(AffineTransform at,
                              int imageIndex,
                              Rectangle imgBounds,
                              ImageReadParam params,
                              ReadType readType)
        Returns a transformed ROI based on the input parameters
        at - AffineTransformation
        imageIndex - Overview level used for extracting the correct image overview
        imgBounds - ImageBounds to set for Raster ROIs
        readType - ReadType object indicating how the image file must be read. This may be useful for raster ROIs
        a ROI object
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the provided MultiLevelROI object is empty or not
        a boolean indicating if this object is empty
      • getFootprint

        Geometry getFootprint()
        This method returns a Geometry object containing the ROI footprint or, at least, its bounding box
        a Geometry object defining ROI bounds